Chapter 6

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Erik raised his hand and they heard the bombs and missiles on the ships blow up, Moira started shooting and Erik made the bullets go off in different directions. Marae stopped time and tried to walk over and take the gun from Moira’s hands but almost collapsed, she saw one bullet aimed at Charles and went to knock it out of the air, unfortunately her leg buckled under her weight and she felt more pain spike through her leg into her head. The next thing she knew was there was a fresh pain in her side and she was on the ground while the others snapped out of their shock and ran over, time must’ve started moving again, she realized and she felt Charles going through her head talking about a hospital.

            “Marae you’re going to be okay do you understand?” Charles asked.

            Marae saw his lips move as he talked and the concerned look on his face but she felt herself getting cold and black covered her vision.

            “…Marae I’m so sorry…” Moira cried.

            “We need a hospital.” Erik said.

            “I can take her to one.” Azazel offered as he walked over. 

            “How can we trust you?” Alex snorted.

            “Your friend Erik was right. Mutants must stand together.”

            They moved back as Azazel picked Marae up, she hung limply in his arms while blood stained sand clung to her side. He teleported to a hospital and after threatening the doctors, got her into surgery and went back to get the others. They followed him to the room after he teleported them back to the hospital and they watched as they stitched her up.

            When they finished three hours later, they moved Marae to a different room and hooked her up to a heart monitor. They walked in and saw her leg was now in a cast and she was resting peacefully.

            “The doctor said she should be fine in a month.” Raven told them as she came in.

            “This is all my fault…” Erik muttered. “I should’ve listened to you.”

            “You thought what you were doing was right. It is in a way but perhaps we could prevent the humans from hurting us peacefully.” Charles suggested.

            “Sounds good.”

A month later…

            “So Charles made Moira forget everything about us?” Marae asked as Alex and Hank drove her back to the mansion.

            “Yeah, the humans don’t bother us unless they know we’re mutants.” Alex said.

            “Then why’d Beast come? He’s blue.”

            “We have tinted window and he stayed in the car. I just had to come incase you had crutches.”

            “Well I don’t thankfully!” She laughed.

            They got out and she walked in only to be attacked by the others as they hugged and said how worried they were. When she managed to get free from them she sat down on the couch.

            “So what’s been going on while I was in the hospital?”

            “Charles and Erik are out looking for other mutants.” Sean answered.

            “He’s turning this place into a school.” Angel added.

            “Nice… more people.” Marae replied sarcastically before remembering her real pasted. The one older X had made her forget temporarily.

            “Something wrong?” Hank asked.

            “No, its nothing I just remembered I can’t stay here.”

            “You’re going home?” Raven asked in disbelief.

            “I guess you could say that…”

            “Tell us what you mean and stop being so confusing.” Alex demanded.

            “I’m not from this time… I came back to this time period to change events so humans wouldn’t go to war and kill mutants off.” She choked out. “Getting my memories back says I did.”

            “So… you’re going back?”

            “I don’t know… it’s what X and I planned.”

            “You mean Charles told you to do this?” Raven exclaimed. “Did this Charles know?”

            “He found out. He wanted me to go home but I refused.”

            “If you stay here now will that mean you don’t exist in the future?” Hank asked.

            “I don’t know the future will be different now.”

            “Go back and see. You deserve to know what you did.” Charles said from the doorway. “Although you’re always welcome to come back here.”

            “I’ll see you in a few seconds then.”

            Marae felt herself go through time, this had become easier now, and opened her eyes to see the mansion still standing and full of mutants walking around and enjoying the peaceful day. She went outside and saw that there wasn’t any destruction and everything looked normal, X walked over to her, Marae noticed he still had hair.

            “So, it seems you did make peace. Humans know not to fear us.” He told her.

            “How do you…?”

            “I’m guessing you just told everyone the truth and left?”


            “I know because you just told me. Are you going back?”

            “Don’t you know the answer?”

            “It could change and I’m not going to invade your mind.”

            “I… I want to go back. I made friends there.”

            “Then for now I say good bye.” He walked away as she went back in time to rejoin her friends and help them with the school.

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