Chapter 5

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The next day they put on the suits Hank had made them and went to the hanger to meet him. They hadn’t seen him since last night after they located where Shaw was going to attack but he had seemed fine until he called them at three in the morning to say to meet him here instead of just coming with them.

            “I don’t get why he couldn’t just come with us.” Sean muttered. “Is he even here?”

            “I’m here.” Hank’s voice replied from the shadows.

            “Hank are you okay?” Raven asked in concern.

            “It didn’t attack the cells. It enhanced them. It didn’t work.” As he spoke he slowly walked into the light, they could see he was covered in blue fur and even the remaining uncovered skin was blue.

            “Yes it did, Hank. Don’t you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding

            “Smurf !” Marae coughed causing her to get a glare from Raven but snickers from Sean and Alex.

            “Never looked better man.” Erik said right before Hank lunged at him and started to strangle him.

            “Hank? Hank stop!” Charles commanded.

            “Don’t mock me.” Hank growled, completely ignoring Charles.

            “Hank, put him down immediately, please? Hank! Hank!” He growled one more time before listening to him and backed away.

            “I wasn’t!” Erik gasped as he stood up straight again.

            “Even I gotta admit; you look pretty sick. I think I got a new name for you: Beast.” Alex smirked but Hank just glared at him and let out a growl.

            “Come on we should be going.” Marae said before another fight started.

            “She’s right come on.” Charles replied. “Can you fly that?”

            “Of course I can, I built it.” Hank replied and led them into the plane.

            They flew over the ocean near Cuba and saw the two sides preparing to fire on each other. Marae felt a sharp pain go through her head and winced but tried not to show how much it hurt, memories of her dreams came back, the bald guy was now begging her to save them, this must be where she would change the past. Charles reached out his mind to the cargo ship that was about to cross the line and found Azazel’s mind as he killed of the crew and look control of the ship’s course.

            “The crew of the Aral Sea is dead. Shaw’s been here.” Charles informed them.

            “And he’s still here. Somewhere.” Erik spat as he glared at the other wall.

            “He’s going to make the ship cross the embargo line.”

            “If the ship crosses the line our boy’s will blow it up. Then the war begins.” Moira replied.

            “Unless those boys aren’t ours.”

            “So what do we do?”

            “We find Shaw’s ship, bring it to surface, and then I’ll kill him.” Erik replied.

            “One problem, we don’t have sonar.” Hank said.

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