Chapter 4

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After the attack on Division X, Charles had taken them to his old home, mansion would have been a more appropriate word for him to use though. It was huge and like a castle almost, a large grassy yard with some trees and plenty of rooms they could choose from. He led them around and told them it was their new home and that they would train here with his help until they found out what Shaw was up to. Now though, three days later, Marae was on her way to see Charles. She had been having strange dreams ever since Darwin had died; they had been of a bald man in a wheel chair who had seemed strangely familiar, telling her to save them. The ‘them’ he had mentioned she took to be mutants; Charles must’ve read her mind though because he had told her he wanted to speak with her alone.

            “Charles, you wanted to see me?” Marae asked as she stood in the door, she couldn’t help but feel like this had happened before but shook off the thought.

            “Yeah I wanted to talk to you while Erik helps the others train.” He replied.   

            “About what?”

            “I think you know… your dreams. Or at least that’s what you think they are.” He noticed her confused look and elaborated. “You’re a time manipulator you said right? Well these memories could be from another time, the future perhaps. And it’s quite possible you were forced to forget.”

            “At the end of every dream there’s a flash of white and I wake up confused or with a headache.”

            “That is just further proof of my theory. Do you know why you were sent here?”

            “To save mutants or something.”

            “That means they, who ever that man you mentioned is, wanted you to come back here and change something.”

            “What do you want me to do about it? I can’t remember any of that correctly let alone know how to save people…”

            “I want you to picture the room how it was in your dream and go home.” Charles said sternly. “Never come here. We don’t know what changing the past might do; just leave, I’ll tell the others you decided to go home.”

            “But I have to stay! What if in the future, if that’s what my dreams are of, mutants are wiped out?”

            “I doubt we would all be killed.”

            Marae glared at him and left the room, she wouldn’t go back to a place someone wanted to prevent there from being and Charles couldn’t stop her from staying. She saw Raven glance at her before going back to lifting weights but she didn’t bother to say anything, in fact if Xavier decided to follow her and keep telling her to leave she’d find a way to make it so he was never born then he definitely couldn’t stop her. Besides it wasn’t like he would know what was changed and what wasn’t, she didn’t even know herself, all she did was listen and watch as the others messed around and Marae didn’t think that was big enough to change anything.

            “Marae, hey anyone in there?” A voice asked.

            She looked up and saw Banshee waiting for her to answer him. “Oh, uh sorry I didn’t see you there…”

            “I could tell. So will you?”

            “Will I what?”

            “Come train with us. You could work on your powers plus stop time if I fall during my flying lesson.”

            “You can fly?” She looked at him skeptically.

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