Chapter 2

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Marae followed them to a car and Charles drove them to a place he called Division X. Some government officials led her inside while Charles told them he had to go find another mutant that he had located in a bar. She walked into a room where the other mutants were and saw a girl in black showing of dragonfly like wings, the girl stopped turning around and stared at her making the others glance her way as well.

            “Uh, hey.” Marae waved shyly.

            “You’re a mutant too?” A blonde guy asked.

            “Yeah, my name’s Marae.”

            “Well I’m Angel.” The girl with wings said. “We’re showing off our powers and coming up with names for ourselves.”

            “I’m Raven or Mystique.” A blond haired girl with gold eyes spoke up. “And that kid with the freckles is Sean aka Banshee.”

            “Yeah look what he did to the window.” The blonde guy smirked and motioned to the window, which was shattered.

            “I’m going next!” A dark skinned boy said.

            They watched as he walked over to the fish tank and they watched as he dunked his head in the water, when he did gills appeared until he removed his head and shook water from it.

            “Adaptability, cool Darwin.” Raven applauded.

            “Thanks, hey what about you Hank? What should your code name be?” Darwin asked.

            “I think Bigfoot would sound nice.” The blonde commented.

            Marae gave Hank a confused look but he wasn’t looking her way, as far as she could tell though he looked normal.

            “Why don’t you go show us what you can do Alex?” Hank snapped.

            “I can’t. I can’t do it inside. Not here.”

            “Then do it outside.” Darwin pleaded. “Come on we want to see your power.”

            “Fine.” They followed him as he went outside but he put up a hand to stop them from following any further than the window. “Stay back.”

            They leaned back inside but waited until he wasn’t looking and leaned back out again. “I said stay back!”

            He shook his head and started to move around until red blades of energy surrounded him, they shot out and one hit a statue cutting it in half from its waist. They cheered for him and went back inside to sit down.

            “I have a perfect name for you, Havok.” Angel suggested.

            “Nice, fits me doesn’t it?” Alex agreed. “But what about you? What are your powers?”

            “Well, they’re kind of hard to demonstrate…” Marae replied.

            “Well what can you do?” Hank asked.

            “I can manipulate time.”

            “Time travel?”

            “Uh, yeah but I’m not completely able to control where I’ll end up unless I know what it was like in the time I’m traveling to.”

            “Can you take us back to a few moments ago?”

            “I can try. Just hold onto my arm.”

            They all came over and grabbed her arm, she concentrated on when Alex showed them his power and felt the weird feeling come over her again. When she opened her eyes she saw they were across the yard from where they were looking out the window. She turned her head and saw the others were looking around in shock.

            “This is so cool…” Darwin mumbled.

            “You think this is cool? Watch this.” She held up her hand towards where Alex was creating his blades of energy and made the time around him freeze.

            “You look like you’re using them as a hula hoop.” Mystique snickered.

            “Shut up. At least I don’t have weird feet.” Alex glared.

            “Don’t bring me into this!” Hank protested.

            “Guys! Hang on again, I’m taking us back to the present.” Marae interrupted. 

            A few seconds later they arrived back at the present and went inside, they sat on the couches and stared off into space until Raven flicked a piece of food at Hank. He stared at her and threw it back, soon they were all using their powers to hang off the ceiling and throw things. Marae watched as Darwin made rock armor appear on his body and told Alex to hit him with a stick, she laughed and joined Mystique on the couch to watch Angel fly around Hank as he hung from the chandelier.

            “What is going on here?” Charles’ voice shouted from the broken window.

            “We thought you could handle your selves.” Erik said as they stopped messing around and went quiet.

            “I’m very disappointed in you guys.” Charles sighed before leading a brown haired woman through the door on another part of the building. 

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