Chapter 11

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-- Daniel --
I woke up to a sleeping blaze snuggling on top of me. I giggled and got up. "C'mon Blaze, we have to get up and meet everyone." "Five... more minutes..." Blaze said sleepily. I ruffled Blaze's hair and ears. "Let's go!" I giggled. "I'm up, I'm up." Blaze groaned. He got up and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Oh my god your neck." He gasped. I got up and looked in a mirror. "Oh no." I face palmed. "I'm so so so so sorry Daniel oh my lord-" "Blaze! It's fine!" I grab a jacket and check to make sure it's covering my neck. "How do I look?" I say awkwardly showing off my jacket. "You look like a penguin!" He laughs. "Ugh, this will work." I grab Blaze's hand and head out. I dragged Blaze to the beach. "Aphmau!" I let go of Blaze to go hug Aphmau. "It's been awhile!" She hugs back. Maria went to go say hi. "Let's play volleyball!" Dottie said as she tossed the ball in the air. "Ball!" I went after the ball.dottie and I wrestled for the ball. "Why do you have that jacket on?" Dottie questioned getting up. "U-uh it's cold." I buried my face into the collar of my jacket. "It's like 80 degrees?" Dottie tilted her head. I did not want anyone to see all the hickies on my neck, I am an innocent person, I will not change that. "C'mon Daniel just take it off!" Rylan protested. "I think I'm good, I'm gonna go get something to eat." I walk off to a taco stand with Blaze and get something to eat. "Don't wanna show everyone?" Blaze nudged and smirked. I rolled my eyes, "I am innocent." I furrowed my eyebrows. He laughed and put an arm around me. I grabbed our order of tacos and we found the others again. We ate our food and started to head to the pools. A meifwa walked by us and she kept looking at me. She smiled and walked away, she put something back into her purse. I just shrugged it off. We went to the pool with the whole gang and hung out.
-- time skip! --
Blaze and I were back in the resort and I was taking off my jacket when I noticed a paper in the pocket. "Let's hang out! ~Michi" it had written down, it also had her number, I decided to go hang out with her because why not? New friends anyways. I told Blaze I was heading out. "Be careful babe! Cya later!" He waved and I smiled back. I grabbed my phone and texted the number.
Daniel: uh, hey it's that one werewolf?? Is this Michi?
Michi: yep! That's me! Let's meet at one of the private pools!
Daniel: uh okay?
I walked over to one of the private pools and saw the meifwa. "Over here!" She waved. Her voice was high pitched, it was lowkey annoying not gonna lie. "I'm Michi! You already know that, but I see that you're dating Blaze? You're Daniel right?" She chirped. I nodded my head. "Kinda, I'm not sure what's going on with us haha." I scratched the back of my neck. "Well, I actually have bad news." I tilted my head. "What?" "Welllllllll~ Blaze is actually dating someone else." My heart dropped. "Wait what?" My ears dropped. "You know your friend Dottie of yours? Yeah they're secretly dating!" I didn't want to cry in front of this person, but I couldn't hold it. I started crying. "Awh, Daniel it's okay, he's not worth it, just leave them! You can stay with me." She put an arm around me. I wiped my eyes."Yeah, I'll stay with you..." I lifted my head up. "Okay! Let's go! I also have a payback plan!" Michi laughed. I felt a bit better, payback will be great. Michi and I walked back to the other resort and we headed into her room. "How about we say we're dating and Blaze will see you moved on?" I didn't really like the idea, I'm gay after all, but whatever. "Sure." I nodded, I yawned. "Go ahead and sleep! It's late, you've had a tough day." She shooed me to the bed. I plopped myself on the bed and looked at my phone. Blaze had texted me asking where I was. I blocked his number and went to sleep.
-- morning!! --
I woke up to Michi jumping on my bed. "C'mon Daniel! Let's go do our plan!" I got up and fixed myself up. "Alright let's go." I grabbed Michi's hand and we headed out. We walked around holding hands and then we ran into Blaze and the others. "Daniel? What's going on?" Blaze tilted his head. "I hope you have fun with your new girlfriend," I scoffed. "W-what?" Before I could answer Michi kissed me.

-- Blaze --
-- trigger warning: suicide attempt, panic/anxiety attack --
"D-Daniel! Wait!" My eyesight got fuzzy, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I fell on the ground. I looked around and saw Daniel and that girl leaving. I sobbed, I couldn't get up, Aaron grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Blaze, listen to me, just breathe." Aaron looked straight into my eyes. I couldn't calm down, I was hyperventilating. We started walking back to the resort but I couldn't remember going there, the only thing I did was cry. The others dropped me off at my room and asked if I wanted anyone to stay. I shook my head and closed the door and locked it. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I didn't see me, I saw a wolf girl that looked so feminine and girly, it was me.
"You're not a boy!"
"She! Her! Girl!"
"Pathetic, you think you're special?"
"I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were my kid. You're no kid of mine."
I laid on the cold floor and cried even more. I needed my anxiety meds. I got up and grabbed my bag, I was shaking so violently, I opened up the bottle of medicines and saw all the pills.
"Only two pills a day, if you take more than 4 you can die or get extremely sick."
I grabbed a handful of pills and drank some water and swallowed the pills. I laid against the wall and slid down. My eyesight got hazy, my eyes struggled to stay open. Then, everything went black.

A/N: :^)

Then he showed up. - blaniel (aphmau fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ