Swept Away

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When I couldn't find Dorothy, I waited in her room rather then going to the cellar, I was frightened as I rocked back and forth on her bed with my knees to my chin.

I didn't realize I was crying until Dorothy rushed in and wiped my tears away. We stayed in each other's arms until the window unhinged and knocked Dorothy out. Just about alone, I was afraid anew and soon found my cheeks stained with salty tears. But as soon as I glanced out the window, my sobs fell silent.

All I could see was wind, dangerously strong with bits and pieces of the world weaved within. As I watched a fence dance by, Dorothy awoke and we were soon pointing out all sorts of things together. But we were both frightened when Miss Gulch floated by and changed into a witch on a broom who cackled loudly.

Round and round and round the house went, making me wonder what it may look like to anyone who'd happen to spot it. "You think we'll get hurt on the way down?" Dorothy asked, I shrugged. "Dunno, depends on if the house stands up." But that didn't help at all.

Then finally, we stopped moving. "Oh!" Dorothy exclaimed sharply. As she picked up her basket, I picked up mine and we ventured uncertainly through the front room until we reached to door. Always curious, I reached the knob first and opened it. Revealing the most beautifully colorful land both of us had ever seen. As we stepped out into the warm sunshine, Dorothy was the first to speak.

"Felicia, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

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