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I never have been too partial to the dark. As a kid, I kept a night light until I turned twelve. Then retrieved it from the attic and kept using it until I turned fourteen. Either way, dark mysterious places had never been my favorite, so the trek to the witch's castle was no exception.

As I kept walking though, there was something else that refused to leave my head; Tin Man. For the first time since this adventure started, I stopped to think about how he behaved around me. I know a few things about charming men, I've been around that block before but Tin Man's actions felt...different somehow. Not only that but it had become pretty obvious how much Scarecrow cared about Dorothy and visa versa.

But we don't belong here do we? I thought as I trailed behind the group. Sooner or later we'll have to leave and return home. I don't even belong in this world. Unlike Dorothy, I'm stuck within a place within a place within a dream. Pause. I want to go back home, my real home, but at the same time I don't wanna leave. What do I even want? I'm so confused. I reached up to carefully rub my temple, sitting down at the base of a nearby tree.

"Felicia, are you alright?" I glanced up to see Tin Man kneeling beside me. With a small smile, I nodded shakily.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He raised a careful eyebrow before cupping my chin, raising my head so I had to look at him. At those eyes, such a wonderful baby blue.

"You're lying." I sighed and turned my head sharply, disconnecting his hand from my jaw. "Maybe. So what?" He sat down, his loud clunk made the group stop and turn from afar.

"Felicia...what's wrong?" And his voice was so gentle, I burst into tears.

I cried about everything; that I wouldn't be staying here, that I didn't have a real life waiting for me back in Kansas, and that all of this would soon be a distant memory. He didn't say anything, only waited and at some point rested a hand on my shoulder. Something about his touch made my sobs slow until they finally ceased. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to his soft smile.

"There. Doesn't that feel better?" I slowly smiled and nodded. "Yeah, yeah it does." I took a deep breath to calm my trembling form before full on smiling. "Thanks Tin Man." "Anytime Felicia." I lowered my head to wipe my hands on my dress only to feel his lips on my cheek.

My mouth opened in a wordless o as I sat up straight as a fence post, yet his lips remained, warm and welcoming. When he pulled away I touched the spot gently and smooth black oil came away on my fingertips. I looked up to see he was standing again, holding his hand out. I smiled warmly and took it, letting him partly guide me back to my feet.

But even when I was back to normal, his hand was still there; wrapped within mine with such warmth it took my breath away.

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