Emerald City Makeovers

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After a close encounter with Sleeping Death poppies, at least that's what I called them, we came upon the Emerald City and got a wonderful little ride to a spa where everyone got all prepped up. I got the striped stockings washed, and a lovely facial that made my face glow. When I meet up with my friends and family, I admired how nice they all looked. But when Tin Man came out, my jaw dropped.

Now I've seen many machines get a nice polish that makes them shine like new, but Tin Man wasn't any normal machine and his polish was breathtaking. He sparkled like a crystal clear lake on a sunny summer day which made his beautiful blue eyes shine like stars in their sockets. When he spotted me, his oil black lips formed a perfect o.

"Felicia..." I giggled and did a little spin. "Do you like it?" He closed his mouth and nodded. "You look...absolutely breathtaking." I smiled gently, Dorothy giggled.

"Well aren't you two sweeter then fresh apple pie." We both bashfully smiled as we looped arms once more. As the rest of the group turned away, he took the opportunity to take my hand and kiss it sweetly, his lips lingering longer then they had to. Not that I minded.

I had never been a very courageous person, so Lion wasn't alone in his fear of the wizard. We both wanted rather desperately to wait outside, but unlike Lion, I had someone to carefully hold my hand. When we finally started speaking to the wizard, my grip tightened and I ended up bruising my knuckles from Tin Man's skin.

When Tin Man stepped forward to talk to the wizard, Dorothy had to hold me back so my touch didn't distract him. As soon as my fingers left his arm, every part of me started trembling uncontrollably and Dorothy had to hold me around the waist to prevent me from fainting right then and there.

In the end, both Lion and I were more then happy to get out of there and equally as unhappy when we realized we had to purposely look for the Wicked Witch of the West.

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