Ch.7 NO! Not My Little Pony!

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I think that picture captures this chapter pretty well. Enjoy!


GLITTER was still laughing about the Starbucks takedown. (We aren't being mean or conceited. We are just celebrating our awesomeness over defeating evil easily.)

The organization was now pretty bored with Starbucks out in the wilderness all alone with zero resources. (Or, so we thought.)

Everyone was moving slowly. Luis was at his computer playing (Insert cool video game idea), while the spies Miracle, Seren, and Lydia were just trying on new disguises or training. Marcus was on the phone talking to someone in a hushed voice about who knows what. (Probably a new top of the line GLITTER gun dealer.) Although he has been acting distant and sketchy lately. (You know, hiding in the back corner during GLITTER meetings with his hoodie showing only his eyes.)

Ashley was looking at funny videos on youtube, while going over some plans for what to say to the press when they start asking questions about Starbucks restaurant closings. (I know what you're thinking. "What happened before? Was it all a dream?" Well, ask us no questions and we shall tell you no lies. XD) Katie was trying to locate Starbucks members that escaped from containment. Marko was doing some artwork of the scene at Starbucks after we dropped the purple glitter bomb. (That glitter went everywhere!)

Emily was in the training room with the spies. They were fighting each other using new techniques. In the theater room, (Yeah that's right we have a theater room with a big screen, chairs, even popcorn) Julia was watching the season finale of My Little Pony.

Suddenly, all the doors closed and bolted shut. A loud red siren was set off and a sign came up on the main screen in the room that read LOCK DOWN MODE (Please Stay Away From Doors).

Ashley put a hand to her forehead. This was one of the many times when she wondered why she agreed to work with these idiots.

"Who hit the big red button this time?" she said in a carefully measured voice.

Everyone slowly turned to the panel board with the controls for GLITTER's weapon arsenal, lights, and lock down.

One guy sat there with glasses half hiding under the panel. He wore a hoodie, and had one hand over his face, even when he was talking.

"Sorry, guys." Victor said holding up his hands in an I-surrender/please-don't shoot-me way. Well, actually, his right hand was held up, while the left one was covering his mouth in the Victor fashion.

Katie groaned, "Why do you keep doing this, Victor! That's the fifth time this month alone you have hit the button."

"I just don't get the problem. The button is big, red, and says in all caps LOCK DOWN MODE." said Seren.

Victor looked down shyly. "Um, I'm color blind and dyslexic."

"Then why the heck did you choose to be at the control panel with all the color coded buttons and warnings?"

Victor shrugged, "Um, I uh, need money?"

Ashley shook her head, "Victor, you're fired." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement knowing that eventually Victor would be laid off.

Then as Luis tried to get back into the system to turn off Lockdown Mode the computer screen went black. In fact, all of the TV screens and computer screens cut off including the youtube videos. (Right when they showed the meme of Harry teasing Voldemort for not having a nose, too.)

Suddenly, the most bloodcurdling scream came from the theater that sent a chill through everyone's spines. It was the sound of mortal agony and terror, a sound that set off the most primitive animal feelings of terror and survival.

Then, there was silence.

"Crap..." Katie almost whispered fearfully "Julia is in there."

Quickly everyone, except Victor that is, rushed to the Theater room where Julia was just moments ago happily watching her favorite show. They found her in the top row of seats curled in a ball, shivering and murmuring "No, no!" Katie kneeled beside Julia and rubbed her back comfortingly. "What happen Julia?"

"Did you get locked in?" asked Luis.


"Did Neptaly torture you in here?" asked Ashley.


"Did you get threatened?" asked Marko.


"Are you hurt?" asked Nneka.


"Did you switch the channel in the middle of the finale? asked Emily.


"Well, then what is it?" asked Marcus tired of the whole ideal.

Julia slowly faced them all and whispered, "He ruined it."

"The last episode for months and he ruined it!" "That show is my LIFE and Neptaly turned it into a HORROR MOVIE THAT I WON'T FORGET FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!" she screamed.

A collective "Ooooo" went around the members of GLITTER.

"Oh, Neptaly's just broke Julia." said Marko, shocked at the unicorn's tone and that Neptaly would go that far.

Julia stormed into the main room as the others followed some confused wondering what was the big deal while others that knew Julia well knew that this was gonna get rough.

She stormed right up to the theater screen and yelled,

"NEPTALY GOMEZ!!!!!!!!" Then as if the main screen heard her, Neptaly's face came onto the screen which was currently the only working one in the vicinity.

"Well, well, well I thought I'd never see the day Julia Cunningham raised her voice." Neptaly said smugly gazing down at the glowering girl. "Did you like my new and improved version of My Little Pony?" he asked, enjoying her angry state way too much.

Julia got up really close to the screen and said in a menacing tone, "Now listen here, Neptaly." "You may destroy the world with your corrupt brain, you may kill all those that I love and care about, but when you mess with My Little Pony that is going WAY TOO FAR!"

Suddenly, a glittery light filled the room, and where Julia had been standing, there was a pink, fluffy, sparkly unicorn. 

It was the image of all sunshine, happiness, cupcakes, and fabulousness, (SEE! I'm very humble. That is a totally depressed description!) yet it had a menacing glow in its eyes.

"Julia?" Nneka said slowly. "Is that you?"

Without taking her angry glare off of Neptaly, she said "Well, I told you all that I'm a unicorn."

She lifted her head to the screen and opened her mouth.

She barfed a sparkling rainbow straight at the screen, and as GLITTER watched, the rainbow went straight through the screen, and right at Neptaly, who recoiled at the rainbow, and screamed a scream every bit as bloodcurdling as Julia's. 

Suddenly, the lights went out and the room fell into darkness.


If this story was a show, all the episode would just fade to black, lol. Until next time!

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