Magical Flying Toaster Oven Interlude

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WARNING: This is straight-up crackfic writing!!

I warned you... This is fully written by my partner the Unicorn.


*small cubicle at a workplace*

Billy walks in casually and places his lunchbox on the table. Life is as usual. He opens his lunchbox to see the horrors of...



It was so UNINTERESTING, it was so BLAND, Billy simply COULDN'T TAKE IT!!!!

"Oh, no!" said Billy. "Whatever shall I do??"

Billy dramatically fainted on his office spinny chair in pure distress.


A golden light flowed from the top of the cubicle, and suddenly came THE FLYING TOASTER OVEN IN ALL ITS GLORY!

Its majestic wings fluttered itself down to Billy, upon which he woke up, and gasped in happiness.

He simply put his bland, pasty, strangely soggy bread into the toaster, and out came...


Beautiful, fabulous, golden brown toast came out, and Billy tasted the delicious melty butter that was on the crisp edges.

It was the most amazing day of his life.

"Oh, thank you, Toaster Oven, thank you!" he said in pure gratitude.

Buy the Magical Flying Toaster Oven today for 20% off!!!! Satisfaction Guaranteed, or get your cash back!!!


*commercial break ends*

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