Ch.21 Crap, We Forgot about Them!

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Neptaly was finally back in the game. He ran his hands over the control panel, and looked over the knobs, buttons, levers, and screens that reflected the whole of GLITTER HQ through security cameras, and grinned. In one day, he had taken over GLITTER HQ, captured three agents of GLITTER, and tricked the world into believing that Times Square collapsed on accident!

This was a good day.

He sighed, looking over the room. It was filled with Starbucks members busily hacking into GLITTER networks, exploring every corner of the headquarters, and moving into the building in one way or the other.

The only thing that could make it better is if Julia was captured and forced to admit all of GLITTER's secrets.

"Neptaly!" Hillary yelled from across the room as she walked towards him.

"Yes, what is it?" he replied.

"We have located a breach in the west section hallway," Hillary stated when she reached him.

"The cameras showed this recording." She said, handing him her Starbucks themed iPod.

On the screen was a picture of Julia, Ashley, Katie, Emily, Marko, and Seren exiting a hole in the floor that had gone unnoticed.

Well this day just keeps getting better and better!

"Bring me the unicorn." he said looking at the screen with an evil glint in his eye.

"What about the other members?" asked Hillary while the agents started to head down the hallway on the screen.

Neptaly waved his hand in dismissal stating, "Dispose of them how you wish. I don't really care."

Hillary nodded, smiling maliciously and walked away yelling her orders to the other members.

Julia was so happy to be home at last.

She had enjoyed meeting the Illuminati and all, but it was good to be home.

She climbed out of the secret Illuminati entrance in the floor first, smiling warmly. Julia was happy to once again see the familiar glitter filled halls, that she had designed of course.

Next came Ashley looking at the illuminati entrance judgmentally.

She was followed by Katie, Seren, Marko, and Emily making sure that they weren't followed.

"Ah, it's good to be home." Julia said smiling.

"You do know that this isn't your home, but your work place right?" Ashley said still rubbing her head.

Julia glared catching the judgement in her voice. "What Ashley! Do you think you're better than me! Huh?! You wanna go!" she said making wild hand movements.

Ashley just sighed and shook her head saying, "Okay Julia, but please lower your voice. I have a headache."

"What? You're not going to blow up at ME 'cause you think you're better than me HUH! I see where things stand!"

"Julia I said that I have a freaking headache!"

"Oh sorry..." she said looking down sheepishly.

    After everyone shook their heads at Julia's antics they decided to walk back to the main room where the SSEO plane crashed.

Katie was on her walkie talkie to find out what had happened while they were gone.

"What do you mean— Okay, calm down—WHAT! Of course I sound upset! We leave for one min—Are you SERIOUS! That's it we are on our way. Over..." she yelled/said into the speaker.

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