Chapter 3 - The Evaluation

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Entry 4

Day 3

            Today is the day. My final evaluation is in a few hours. I am really nervous! I keep shaking, but I need to remain clam. Before I eat breakfast I think I may try some breathing exercises.

            I’m going to try and relax as much as I can. The question is…. What am I going to eat today? Should I bother with something to eat? I don’t really want to overeat; my performance would be rought… You know what; I should really try to relax. My mind is racing right now. Let’s focus on bending!

            Man! Katara will be here in about an hour! Ahh! I am freaking out. Where did all that relaxation go!

            Here we go… I’m going to go practice.


I walked to the water tribe chest and threw my journal in the chest. I really wasn’t having a good day. I was freaking out! I realized that my evaluation was in an hour. I took a bowl of sea prunes outside. It was a perfect day. It wasn’t cold, and it was sunny. It was so warm that I took off my coat.

            I took a sea prune and ate it. I’ve been addicted to these prunes since I was young. While eating the prunes I created a path through the snow with my fire bending. I was tired of walking in it. I headed to the main house where Katara will be.

            I approached the house, and stared at it. The house stood about one hundred feet tall, and shined in the sun. The reason it shined was it is made ice, just like the traditional houses of the water tribe.

            Walking up the stairs I noticed the beautiful railings and the plants.

            “They didn’t have to make a place this fancy… It’s just a compound.” I said it myself.

            I opened the main door and walked in. I stared in awe; the place was like a mansion! It was so beautiful! I saw Katara at the stairs taking to Master Yu and Master Cho. I ran over to greet her.

            “Good Morning, Master Katara!” I yelled

            “Ah, Korra.” Katara responded.

            I went to bow when I was interrupted by Katara.

            “Korra, I appreciate the bow, but I am a friend come here!” Katara laughed.

            She gave me a big hug and I hugged back. I have known Katara since I was very young. She is like my Grandmother.   

            “Are you ready for your evaluation?” Katara asked in a more serious tone.

            “Yes. Let’s begin.” I responded.

            We walked to the courtyard of the house. I realized Tenzin wasn’t with her. I had to ask why.

            “Katara, why isn’t Tenzin with you?” I asked.

            “Tenzin will be here in a day. He got a little behind while packing to move here.” Katara responded.

            “Oh, I understand. I was just a little curious.”

            We walked to the doors of the courtyard and opened them. The light shined in our eyes and my eyes start focusing on a little stage. We walked toward the stage. The cobblestone that we walked on was reflecting the light into my eyes.

            “It’s really bright here!” I laughed.

            “Indeed it is. This is the center of the training area, and its s sunny day.” Katara responded.

            We made it to the stage and there were four men. Two dressed in fire bender apparel and two dressed in earth bending apparel.

            “Korra. Your final evaluation will be simple. You must display your bending abilities in a duel against these four. You will fight two at a time and use the same element. Demonstrate what you have learned from Master Yu and Master Cho. We will start on the count of three. Earth bending will be the first test.” Katara explained.

            She didn’t really give me time to grasp it all. She start counting down and when she hit three I sprang into action.

            The first move was made by one of the benders. He threw a rock right past my head. I countered with a kick to a boulder. The other bender to the right surfed on a pile of rocks. He was trying to run over me. I stopped him with a pillar I raised from the ground. It knocked him right off the pile. It was getting more difficult to maintain this.

            One of the benders went underground. He literally just made a tunnel and jumped in like a mole. He ambushed me from behind and pushed me. I flipped over and kicked a pillar at his stomach. He flew into the air and landed. I think he was done… for now. The other bender starts throwing disks at me and I got hit by one.

            “Ouch!” I yelled as the disks smashed my shoulder.

            As I avoided the disks I saw the bender on the ground walk off. He was done and there was one more to go. I was getting tired of these disks. I surfed on a pile of rocks and raised a pillar straight towards the bender. It was done and I wanted to end this.

            “Let’s finish this! Haaaaa!” I yelled.

            The bender caught the pillar and he was distracted so I surfed right over him and he fell. He was done, and he walked off. I was finished with my earth bending evaluation.

            “Very well done, Korra. You have proved to us that you are finished with your earth bending lessons.” Katara said as she clapped.

            “Now we move on to fire bending.” Master Cho said.

            The two fire benders walked over to me. The countdown began, and I started getting ready. When three was shouted I sprang at them and shot a fire ball between them. They countered with a kick of fire and I was hit by it. I started to throw more fire balls at them as I ran around them. I created a ring of fire around them. With them being trapped I slowly drew the ring in towards them. They jumped out right into my trap. I raised my hands and created a pair of wings made of fire and hit both the benders.

            “Knock out!” I yelled.

            “Oh my… goodness.” Master Cho said.

            “That was amazing Korra!” Katara yelled.

            Everyone was in awe as I took them both out in one blow. Katara walked over to me.

            “Korra. You have proved to me that you are ready for the next element. I am proud to say you have passed and I hope Tenzin will have no problem teaching you.” Katara said as she gave me a hug.

            “Thank you for everything, Katara.” I responded.

            I said my good nights and walked home. I wanted to visit Naga first and tell her the good news.

            “Naga! I did it. I kicked some bender butt! I passed and Tenzin will be here tomorrow!” I said to Naga as I fed her.

            I gave Naga a hug and headed home. Tomorrow I have to be ready for Tenzin.

            I grabbed my blanket and laid in bed, smiling out at the moon that shinned in my window. What an awesome day and I am too tired to write. I will write about today when I wake up.

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