Chapter 7 - The City Life...

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            The three men approached the shop owner. The Shop owner was cleaning off his record player when the men walked up behind him.

            “Good Evening, Mr. Chan. I was wondering where my money was or I can’t promise you your fine establishment will be safe.” The water bender said.

            The shop owner turned around and stumbled back on to his back.

            “I am so sorry. I don’t have your money… but here take one of my record players.” The owner said as he sat up.

            “I’m sorry my friend isn’t much of a music lover.” The water bender said.

            As the water bender finished talking the fire bender man raised his leg and kicked the record player with a kick of fire. The owner started shaking and crying. I had to do something!

            “Hey hoodlums! Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?” I yelled

            “Haha! What are you going to do about?” The men responded.

            “I’m going to fight you!”

            “Haha, well we are the Triple Threat Triad and we are going to put you in the hospital.”

            “You are the ones who are going to need a hospital, and you better wish there is one nearby.”

            “Who do you think you are…?”

            “Why don’t you come and find out!” I said while cracking my knuckles.

            The water bender threw water straight at the face, but I countered the water and threw it back and froze it over his head. He stumbled forward and I kick him to his Sato-mobile where the ice broke on the hood of the Sato-mobile.

            The earth bender ran at me and I smashed my foot down and launched him into the air with a pillar. I overheard the shop owners.

            “Did she just earth bend?!” The shop owner said.

            Two down, one to go. The fire bender shot a fire ball at me, and I ran into it bending it around me till I was holding hands with him. I threw him against the Sato-mobile.

            “Can she fire bend too?!” The show owner said.

            “Could she be…?” The other shop owner said.

            The men jumped into their Sato-mobile and drove off.

            “You’re not getting away!” I yelled.

            I earth bended a line of earth that hit their Sato-mobile. They lost control and crashed into to a shop. I ran over to see the damage.

            “Who’s laughing now, chumps?” I laughed.

            While laughing at the men I heard a siren. The City’s police showed up. I saw the airships circle the area and men jumped out and shot these metal ropes into the sides of the building and landed on the ground.

            “Cool, Metal benders!” I said watching the benders descend from the airships.

            “Officers I caught the bad guys!”

            “Arrest these men.” The metal bender officer said.

            “You’re under arrest too.” One of the officers said.

            “Wait what? But I caught them. They were doing a lot of damage to a man’s store.”

            “By the looks of this you did more harm than good. Now come with us.”

            “Wait!” I said as the avoided the metal bender’s rope.

             I ran from the officer and called Naga.

            “Naga come!” I yelled.

            I jumped on Naga and we ran from the police. They were following us bending their ropes right past my arms. I was worried about getting caught by them.

            While running towards a bridge the officer grabbed my hair with his rope.

            “Ahhh!” I yelled.

            I made it to the bridge and bended a huge wall of ice that the officer ran into. I had lost them.

            As I ran to another bridge I noticed the airships were still following me. The people around me looked in awe as I jumped off the bridge and landed on a train. I was really lucky to have landed on that train. I didn’t even notice there was a train.

            I tried to remain on the train, but I had to ditch the train and head for the roofs of some nearby buildings. I snapped the reins on Naga to go faster, but the airships finally captured us by grabbing Naga’s paws. We were lifted up into the air and I couldn’t do anything.

            We remained in the air until we stopped over a huge castle like building. It had a statue of Toph Beifong, the departed chief of police and one of the people who saved the world from the fire nations, and there were many airships around it.

            We landed in a small airship port. One of the officers grabbed me and took me to a cell. They took Naga to another cell.

            “We will come for you when the Chief can speak to you.” The officer said.

            This was a good time to write in my journal.


Entry 8

Day 6

            The first day in Republic City could have been better… So far I manage to get in trouble with the Police… Whoo…

            I was trying to stick up for a man who was getting threatened by the Triple Threat Triad. I’m guessing they are a gang in the city. They seemed tough, but I kicked their butts.

            When the metal benders arrived they took the men away and they decided to take me with. I ran away from the officers and sent them on a chase. It ended when they caught me and well now I’m in a cell waiting to talk to the Chief, whoever that is.

            Oh no, here they come. Wish me luck.


            “It is time, follow me.” The officer said.

            The officers escorted me to the interrogation room.

            What did I get myself into…? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2012 ⏰

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