Chapter 5 - The Ship

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Entry 6

Day 5

            I have made up my mind; I’m heading to the city. I think my Avatar training will be complete if I actually see the world and experience what the city is like.

            Tenzin said that the city needed him and things were not flowing well. As the Avatar it is my duty to ensure balance in the world… blah blah blah. The whole story is just… boring. I really just want to practice my air bending!

            There is a cargo ship leaving the port of my village soon. I’m planning on jumping aboard and hiding in the cargo.

            Here we go… wish me luck!


            I grabbed my bags and rode off to the port with Naga. I hurried because the boat was going to leave soon. I snapped the reins on Naga’s saddle and she continued to run.

            “Come on girl! The last boat for a while is leaving soon!” I yelled to Naga.

            Naga kept on running towards the port. We traveled through deep snow and it wasn’t helping that it was snowing.

            In the distance we saw the village houses with their dim lights from the fire inside. We stayed clear of the lights so no one would notice us. I was running away and I didn’t want to see anyone I knew because I know I probably won’t see them for a long time.

            We were so close to the docks and then I saw the White Lotus guards. They knew I was gone and they were looking for me.

            “Why are they here… It is the middle of the night, come on!” I said under my breath.

            I jumped off Naga into the deep snow that created a cushion for my feet. I grabbed her reins and I walked to some crates. I didn’t know what to do! I noticed the crates were empty and I could hide in one of them.

            I used my water bending to push a crate over. The crate fell into the snow and it didn’t make a noise. I grabbed Naga’s reins and we stuffed ourselves in the crate. It was a small box, but we made it work.

            We sat in the crate until some men came over. They tried to move the box.

            “Hey! This box is really heavy. Mind giving me a hand.” One of the workers said.

            “Sure man, I’ll be there in a second.” The other worker responded.

            They struggled on lifting us. I just hope they wouldn’t open the box.

            “Man, what is in this thing.”

            “I don’t know. Let’s just set it down in the boat.”

            They threw the box that contained us in it. They threw it… they didn’t set it down.

            “They threw us… really… wow.” I said to Naga.

            Time passed and we broke out. We sat next to a Sato-mobile, the new revolutionary motor mobile. It was like a motorized wagon, yet it was really cool! I laid on Naga’s belly and day dreamed about the city. I have not been this excited in a very long time!

            The next morning I woke up to hear foot-steps. I looked up and saw a man. I instantly jumped up.

            “You aren’t allowed here, Miss.” He said.

            “Oh… well this is… awkward…” I responded with a smirk.

            “Did you sneak on this ship?” The man questioned me.

            “Uh… there is a perfect explanation...”

            “I bet there is… spill it.”

            “Well I need to get to Republic City to see Council Man Tenzin to train in air bending…”

            “Air bending? You’re a water tribe girl. Stop lying.”

            “I’m not lying though.”

            “Prove it.”

            I had to prove that I’m the Avatar to the man. I saw a puddle of water on the ground and I bended the water into the ball in front of him. I then punched through the water and created fire through the water.

            “No way… you’re the Avatar!” He said as he bowed to me and dropped to his knees.

            “Now you believe me?” I responded.

            “Yes I do! You can stay here. Just stay hidden. We will arrive at Republic City in a few days.”

            “Thank you, Sir.”

            “Please, call me Shin.”

            “Ok, Shin. Thank you.”

            That was a close one I thought to myself. I went back to Naga and grabbed some bread from a crate. I ate the bread and fell asleep. Long day.

            Days passed and I just stayed with Naga. The sea was rough at points and I got sea sick. It was torture; I really just wanted to arrive in Republic City.

            The boat stopped and I heard the Sato-mobiles and men working. We made it to Republic City. Finally.

            I grabbed Naga and walked to the window.

            I saw the most beautiful view I have ever seen…

            I saw huge building that shined in the sun and amazing bridges. It was just a sight to see. I was finally in the big city.

            I grabbed Naga and walked out to the loading dock. I jumped up on her back and walked to the loading door.

            Republic City… Here I am!

Journal of Avatar KorraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora