7 > REAL

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violet's hands were shaking as she pulled on the door handle of the large building. as she stepped inside and pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, she was greeted by the familiar receptionist and made her way to the desk. marissa smiled kindly at her.

"hey vi, i didn't realize you were coming in today," the woman spoke, "jen is off until monday."

"oh no i'm not scheduled to record," violet shook her head as she explained. "i'm just popping in i guess."

"alright," marissa nodded, "do you know where you're going or is there someone i should call?"

"i think i've got it, but thank you," violet smiled, giving marissa a wave as she walked away from her and towards the elevator.

as the doors closed in front of her, violet took her phone from her pocket and texted luke that she was on her way up. when he replied with a smiley face, she grinned widely and pressed the button of his floor. the elevator made a ding sound as it reopened, and violet stepped out and took a left in the maze of hallways.

her heels clicked as she walked to the end of the hall and made another left, then looked carefully at each door to find the correct one. when she did, she raised her hand to knock, only for it to open before she could touch it.

"you're here!" the dark haired man in front of her announced, stepping aside and gesturing for her to come in. she did so hesitantly, and tried to contain her excitement at how close she was to the man. "luke!"

violet smiled nervously as calum hood beamed back at her. he continued speaking as he led the way to the back of the room, "it's awesome to meet you. i'm a huge fan of your music."

"you're a fan of me?" violet asked incredulously. "i've been listening to your music since before one direction."

calum grinned even wider at that. "that's awesome!"

they stopped in front of a couch, where luke sat next to another one of his bandmates. michael clifford smiled brightly at her, and she briefly wondered if these boys did anything other than smile.

"hey, i'm michael," he introduced himself, as if she didn't know who he was.

"violet," she managed to say, still completely starstruck at the three people in front of her.

"ashton's coming," said luke, answering her unspoken question. "he went to raid the vending machines."

"i still think they should give us more food in here," calum grumbled as he took a seat in a rolling desk chair.

"do they give you guys the basket of fruit too?" violet asked, wheeling another chair closer and taking a seat. "all i ever get is like, two apples, a banana, and a granola bar."

"right!" michael exclaimed in agreement. "sometimes they throw in a little piece of chocolate, and we all fight over who gets it."

violet laughed. she could picture that. at that moment, the door swung open and the final member of the band stepped in. ashton irwin mumbled under his breath as he shoved a wallet into his pocket, struggling to do so with a water bottle in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. when he looked up to see violet sitting there, rather awkwardly if she must admit, he stopped and grinned.

"violet!" he exclaimed, moving towards her to shake her hand. "oh my gosh, it's so cool to meet you."

"i'm sorry to sound weird, but my heart explodes every time you guys say that," violet blurted, relieved when they only laughed.

"are you kidding?" ashton shook his head, "we literally just finished jamming to buy me diamonds."

"that's embarrassing, ash," luke rolled his eyes.

calum immediately smirked as he looked at luke. "aw, don't worry, luke. we won't tell her about your huge crush."

the blond's cheeks turned red, and he avoided eye contact with violet as he practically squeaked, "i don't have a crush."

violet attempted to play it cool and laugh along with the other boys. as if her stomach wasn't fluttering and her head wasn't pounding and her heart wasn't beating out of her chest. it was most likely just calum teasing, but even the thought of luke having a crush on her made her go insane.

"okay so!" luke interrupted their giggles, speaking a little too loudly, "we're just kind of recording a bunch of stuff for our new album, but i've done a lot of my vocals already, so you and i can brainstorm while these idiots work."

"sounds fun," violet replied with a soft smile, looking directly at luke and trying not to blink in fear that he'll look away.

calum, michael, and ashton moved over to the other side of the room to start recording. two of them messed around with whoever was in the booth's voice, making it go higher and lower, until the professional stepped into the room and took over the sound board. luke and violet watch and laughed, until they actually began recording, and turned back to each other.

luke's smile was beautiful as he spoke. "so i had an idea."

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