22 > REAL

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the brunette didn't spare a glance in the direction her name was called from, making a beeline for her dressing room. she could hear his footsteps getting faster behind her, and she almost managed to slam her door closed before he caught it.

"vi, please," luke pleaded, pressing on the door to prevent her from closing it.

violet gave up, walking away from the door and sitting in front of her mirror to start doing her makeup. "go away, luke."

"you have to let me explain," he insisted, staring at her through her mirror.

"actually luke," she snapped, turning around in her chair to glare at him. "i don't have to let you do anything except leave."

"i'm sorry," luke frowned, stepping closer to her. "nothing happened."

"i don't care what did or did not happen when you went to your ex's house hours after kissing me," said violet coldly, "it's none of my business."

"arzaylea said she was upset," luke explained, "and she's only in town for a week. her and i are still friends. so i went over to see what was up. that's it. nothing happened."

"good to know," violet nodded, looking back at her reflection to continued getting ready. "but i don't care."

"i care, violet," luke argued. "i never meant to make you upset."

"well you did."

"i know that, and i'm sorry," he apologized. "i don't like arzaylea anymore. i haven't for a while. especially not since i've met you." when she furrowed her eyebrows at him in the mirror, he continued. "i like you a lot. i wanted to write a song with you because i had an embarrassing crush on you and when i met you it only got bigger. and i haven't stopped thinking about you since we kissed and i really want to do it again."

violet turned back around again to look at him, unable to form words. she opened and closed her mouth several times, luke staring at her with hope shining in her eyes while he waited for a response. instead of speaking, she reached out to grab the bottom of his shirt in her hand and pull him down towards her to press her lips to his.

when they pulled away, luke was smiling so brightly. violet kissed him once more quickly before returning his grin. "i like you too."

"oh good," luke said, smirking slightly. "or else that kiss would have been very misleading."

violet rolled her eyes, but the tilt of her lips betrayed her. "shut up."

"make me," he challenged, smiling when she kissed him a third time.

"i think we have to go," violet mumbled against his lips, not wanting to leave, but knowing they would be filming soon.

"do you wanna go on a date with me?" luke asked, holding her hands in his, still crouched down to her level.

"i'd love to."

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