Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I know that this update comes a great deal later than I anticipated, and I am sorry for it to have been such a wait. It is the longest update I have ever made by about 4000 words though, so perhaps that is some consolation?

I love writing, and knowing that there are people out there reading it, and enjoying it, is incredible. It does have to be said though, that being asked about updates can be quite stressful, especially when you're pushed for time, and you're trying to get as much done as you can anyway. Obviously, I only do this for the enjoyment of writing and creating the story for others; I'm not earning from this or anything. I hope you will be able to bear with me as I keep working to get these chapters out as and when I can.

There are a couple of songs mentioned in this chapter. I always think it adds something to listen to them when reading! I listen to music while I write and it helps me to get in the zone. Thank you, and enjoy!

Lauren and Camila's friendship over the rest of the vacation could, at best, be described as patchy. On some days, they were amicable, almost close, but on others, Lauren was as distant as ever. How quickly the other woman blew hot and cold was difficult, but Camila learnt how to make the most of the moments when things were going smoothly. On the days when Lauren would join Camila and Chris for beach walks, or swims, things were simple, yet, as easy and their relationship could be on one day, it was never guaranteed to continue on the next.

However, even Chris found himself becoming busy at some points in the holiday. Paperwork and client queries seemed to flood in endlessly from JMA, and the laid back Jauregui brother definitely showed signs of stress in some moments. After a couple of weeks at the Lodge, the initial thrill of vacation had worn off, and Mike and Alejandro had begun to become more and more engrossed in business, which inevitably generated more work for Lauren and Chris too.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you lot," Clara said despairingly, looking around the table one morning, "It's our last full day here all together before you kids go home, and I thought we could enjoy brunch, all seven of us,"

Clara's surrounding company could not, in any way, be described as present: Lauren had a laptop balanced on her knees, Mike was on his phone, and Alejandro was trawling through the stocks figures in the morning newspaper. Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Lauren! Where's your brother?"

She looked up briefly from the spreadsheet on her computer screen, glanced at Chris's empty seat, and shrugged, before returning her attention to her laptop.

"Maybe he's in his room?" Camila suggested, patting Clara gently on the arm in an attempt to calm her.

The sound of a mobile phone ringing recaptured their attention, and Mike stood quickly from the other end of the table..

"I've got to take this, I'm sorry," he apologised to his wife, hurrying out of the room. On his way out, he ducked out aside to let Chris through into the dining room. The Jauregui son had a tablet tucked under his arm, which his mother promptly snatched from his grip.

"No devices at the table!" she announced, holding Chris's tablet out of his reach.

"But Lauren's got her laptop!" he argued.

"I know, and she's going to hand it over to me right this second,"

"I'm really not," Lauren shook her head, but she had underestimated her mother's determination, and suddenly felt the whole device slip from her lap as it was wrenched away by Clara.

"This holiday was supposed to get us all away from work!" Clara exclaimed, and Sinu nodded in agreement.

"And it's almost over," Lauren pointed out, "We've all got a serious backlog of stuff to handle after being out of the loop for this amount of time,"

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