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Nova pov

"Dee,wait!"then I lost her in the crowd.I went to her next class. She wasn't there but ji was.

"Ji,you seen dee?"

"Sorry,I am not allowed to said any whereabouts of dee."said ji.

"I forgot she was very smart."

"What did you do?cuz I never seen dee like this since her last ex."said ji.

"Are you sure you do know where she is?"

"If I ask her where she at.she will lie to me.but go tried key.he is her best friend."said ji.

"Yeah but me and key ain't on speaking terms."

"Well, you are shit out of luck."said ji.

"What class is key in?"

"Pe."said ji.then I went to the boys locker room.I start key tieing his shoes.

"Key."then key look at with fear in his eyes but he didn't flinched.

"Do you know where dee at?"

"I am not allow to tell you where she is at. You can beat me up all day I am not going to tell you."said key.well plan A is out the window.

"Why not?"

"It is the best friend code.duh.besties shall not thou tell whereabouts the other besties."said key.why do I feel like he made that up?

"Key,just tell me."

"No.I am not get my ass fuck up because I tolled you.don't let dee skinny ass fool ya.she is strong as hell.what she did to nia was not even her full strength."said key.

"Well,I can you at least give me a clue where she might be at."

"What part of I will get my ass kicked if I tell you.didn't you understand?"asked key.

"Well,can you tell who will know where she is at?"

"Nobody. Beside me. Dee is ain't stupid. She knows how disappear easily."said key.I sighed.

"Well,you can wait at her car."said key.

"Wait.so she still in the school.okay that narrows it down a little bit."

"Your best bet is waiting at her car after school."said key.I nodded.

~after school ~

I left 5 mins before the bell and waiting at dee car.a few minutes later her and key walked to her car.

"Stop leaning on my car."said deetranada.I stood up straight.key hop in his car and drove off.

"Dee,why did you run?"

"Get in the car."said deetranada.


"Get in the car."said deetranada. I hopped in the passenger seat. She turn the a/c on.

"Why did you kiss me?"asked deetranada

"You can't answer a question with another question."

"Too bad.I just did."said deetranada.

"I kissed you because I wanted to prove to you I don't care if people are watching."

"Well,I do.I barely want to hold your hand in public and you want to kiss me in the most busiest hallway.I am not use to showing affection in public unlike you."said deetranada.

"Unlike me?what that supposed to mean?"

"It means you use to having pda with nia."said deetranada

"Why you still worried about nia?you are my only one."

"Why you broke up with nia?"asked deetranada.

"Because I started liking you."

"you know there is a saying that the same you found them is the same way you will lose them.you all sudden start liking me.How I know you won't do it again with another girl to me?"Said deetranada.

"I won't. You have trust me."She nodded.

"Now,out."said deetranada.


"Because I want to start driving."said deetranada.

"Where you going?"

"To McDonald's. I want some ice cream."said deetranada

"Dee,their ice cream always broken.you do better at sonic."

"I will keep that in mind.now out."said deetranada

"Kiss first."

"Ya pushing it."said deetranada.

"Once on the cheek."Then she gave me the boy-no look.

"boo,ya funny."said deetranada

"It was worth a shot.then I hopped out her car.

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