Stiles Imagine for Harmony

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It's been a really long day for you. It all started when you forgot your social studies homework at your house. Then you lost your science homework, and last you failed your math test.

It was clearly a frustrating day for you and you were not going to put up with anymore frustration. You grabbed your keys and got in your car.

After about 5 minutes you were in the driveway of your house. You opened the door to your car and stepped out. As you did so you let out a big sigh. You were tired and you were ready to take a long nap.

You walked down the sidewalk to your front porch. You walked towards the door and remembered that you left your key in your room this morning.

'Great!' you thought to yourself ' just something more to ruin my day.'
You sat on the porch and waited for your mom to get home which wouldn't be for a while.

You closed your eyes in stress until you heard footsteps coming towards you. Stiles. You opened your eyes slowly and half smiled at him.

" What's wrong?" he asked sitting next to you. " It has been a long day!" you say and he snakes his arm around your waist. You smiled to yourself and kissed his cheek.

You were super glad to have Stiles in your life because he could always cheer you up.

You started having a really long conversation and totally forgot about all that has happened to you today. You didn't remember anything about you science homework or your math test or your social studies homework.

For a few more hours you just talked about random stuff and made each other laugh. ' Best day ever!' you thought to yourself.

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