Stiles imagine for Darycia

637 20 3

You opened your eyes to find that you werent in your room anymore. You looked around and noticed that you were in someone else's bedroom.

Someone walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. "who.. who are y-you?" you asked nervously. " I am your boyfriend of course." Stiles.

"what are you talking about you kidnapper!  You arent my boyfriend!!" you yell at him and jump off of the bed.

"I wish i was though." he says. "Well you arent. and now you won't be." you say to him walking towards the door.

"you cant leave." he states. and thats when you start to freak out.

you start running. you run out the door and into the halway and you fall.

immidiatley you start freaking out and you wake up realizing it was all a dream.

A/N Almost 3k reads!! thank you guys so much i love you all!!

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