Chapter Ten

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The older students are just finishing up with their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s and the year is coming to a close quickly. It's been nearly two weeks since Scorpius and Alice's day together in Hogsmeade, and they have not really had a chance to talk again. However, that does not stop them from smiling at each other across the Great Hall every chance they can get.

In the meantime, Alice is thinking about what she should do over the summer, besides sit around stressing about homework. The idea of spending time with Rose and Lily seems like the best idea she has come up with so far, and when she approaches them later to ask them, they say that she is more than welcome to come any time she wants. This causes a grin to remain on her face for the entire day.

As she skips to her father's classroom in the evening to wish him a good night like usual, she is stopped by an unfamiliar person in the corridor. She recognizes him as Albus Potter, Harry Potter's son. He has the same messy hair as his father, which is the first thing that allows Alice to figure out who he is, before he even has a chance to introduce himself.

"Hello," she greets, slightly caught off guard to be crossing paths with him. After all, he is in Slytherin, which gives Alice less chance to see him. One thing that she does know is that Albus is Scorpius's best friend. "My name is—"

"I'm well aware of what your name is," the boy says, a little too harsh for an introduction. "You need to stay away from Scorpius."

Alice frowns, confused. "What?"

Albus takes a step closer. "Stay away from him."

"Why should I?" The girl asks defensively, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning on one foot. "I like him, he likes me. We're not doing anyone any harm by spending time together."

"You're in Gryffindor. He's in Slytherin," Albus points out, as if Alice did not already know that. "It won't work."

Alice huffs. "Well not with that attitude," she jokes. Albus obviously does not think it's funny. He narrows his eyes at her.

"It isn't right," Albus continues, harshly. "I just isn't right."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll need more than that if you want me to stay away from him."

Albus sighs, frustratedly. "Why can't you just spend time with people in your own house?"

"What difference does it make?" Alice snaps. "He's allowed to have friends, you know."

"He has friends."

"Besides you?" Alice inquires, raising an eyebrow. Albus cannot seem to find a good argument here. "I just want to be his friend, Albus."

The boy pauses, taking a moment to stare at the brunette in front of him before speaking again.

"You'll stay away from him if you know what's good for you."

Then he walks off in the other direction, leaving Alice speechless in his wake.


The smile that was once before on Alice's face is gone now, replaced by a frown and distant attitude. She can't think of a good reason why Albus would want her to stay away from Scorpius that badly, unless he really is just prejudice against all Gryffindors. But Alice does not think that this is the case. She thinks that there is a good, solid reason behind Albus's words but she just doesn't know it yet. She thinks about approaching Scorpius and asking him about it, if he knows why his friend hates her so much, but thinks better of it. She does not know Scorpius well enough yet, so it might be weird for the boy.

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