Chapter Fourteen

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Alice stands in the girls dormitory the next morning, trying to find her stack of books from home, but it appears that Rose has switched around her area of space once again, and now Alice cannot find anything. She's not sure how Rose could manage to rearrange what little space she has, but somehow, she did, and now everything is in different spots than before, making it difficult for Alice to find anything.

"Hello," the red-head appears and flops down on her own bed right next to Alice's. The brunette sighs. "What's the matter?"

"Where did you put my books?" Alice asks, running a hand through her hair.

"On the shelf, of course," Rose says as if it were the most obvious answer. Alice finds her small homemade shelf and removes one of the books, plopping down on her bed and opening it up.

"So, what are you up to today?" Rose asks, twirling a red strand of hair around her finger. Alice shrugs.

"I dunno," she says. "I will read for a while and then go to class, I guess."

Rose laughs in amusement and Alice raises her eyebrows. "It's Saturday, silly. No classes."

The weight on Alice's shoulder lifts. She totally forgot that the week is over and it is now the weekend; she was so caught up in Teddy's situation.

"Oh," Alice says. "Maybe I'll take a nap."

"And then come to my Quidditch game?" Rose surmises, voice hopeful. Alice was not even aware that there was a game today. Must be she does not pay attention as much as she thinks she does.

"Oh, I don't know," she says. "I mean, I would love to see you play, but honestly, those games can get a bit crowded... and crazy."

"I know, I just didn't realize that was a problem," Rose says, running a comb through her hair and sitting up on her bed. Alice sees the small shift in her attitude and instantly feels guilty.

"You know what?" Alice says, closing her book. "Maybe one game won't be so bad." Rose grins excitedly, happy and surprised that Alice agreed so quickly, especially considering that she has not been to a Quidditch match since her first year.

"Thank you, Alice, that means a lot to me." The red head gets off of her bed after pinning her hair up. "Now, I've got to go, but I will see you in a couple hours."

Alice nods as her friend disappears down the stairs. Hopefully, the game won't be as crazy as the last one she saw in her first year. She remembers the other students cheering so loudly, it hurt her ears and gave her a headache that lasted for days.

She heads downstairs after convincing herself that going to a Quidditch game will not be the end of the world. She walks through the common room, down the corridor, and outside. Some fresh air is just what she needs right now, after all the stressful things that have been happening, mostly Teddy's situation, though.

The breeze is cool and appealing, gently tossing Alice's brunette locks across her face. The days are getting warmer, so it is not necessary to wear sweaters all the time anymore. There aren't many students outside, but quite a few. Alice notices one familiar face, which belongs to James Potter.

For some reason, she strolls over to him, robes flowing behind her against the grass. The fact that James is by himself makes it very easy for Alice to approach him.

"Hello, James," she says, halting to a stop. The boy's mouth turns up into a grin as he takes in her presence.

"Alice, what brings you here? And twice in two days?" He raises an eyebrow. "Am I starting to grow on you?"

The girl rolls her eyes and wipes her hands on her robes. "No way. I just thought I would wish you good luck."

"With what?"

"The Quidditch game, of course," she says. James nods.

"Ah, you won't be watching, then?" The older boy pouts and pokes her in the shoulder teasingly. She scowls at him in the same teasing manner.

"No, I'll be there," she admits, noticing the way that James's eyes light up. "For Rose."

"Hmm," James hums. "Strange, though. You haven't been to a Quidditch game since your first year, remember? When the boy next to you got sick and threw up on you?"

Alice widens her eyes. "How do you know about that?"

James smirks. "I was there, of course. That was my first year playing on the team, and my first game, ever. That's not something that's easy to forget."

"Oh," Alice says numbly, cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"But I guess you're over that now?" James nudges her shoulder, still smiling like a goof as if he does not realize the extent of Alice's embarrassment.

"I guess," she murmurs. "I've got to go. It was nice seeing you. Good luck." Her words are all jumbled together and she doesn't care if he does not understand them. She turns away and starts walking again before James can say anything else to her.

Her stomach churns at the memory of that Quidditch game. The boy next to her was conveniently sick that day. He looked pale and shaky the first half of the game, which had worried Alice. She continually asked whether he was alright. He had only nodded his head and turned his eyes back to the game.

Alice had thought that he was feeling better, until the contents of his breakfast came up towards the end of the game.

She was not sure who was more embarrassed in that moment, the boy or herself. She had not said anything afterwards, she only gasped and rushed off the stands, trying to ignore the snickers and the stares around her as her eyes had brimmed with tears.

Alice did not speak with anyone for weeks after that, she was far too mortified. The stares and snickers continued on, which did not help her feel better at all.

She hopes no one gets sick during today's game.


A/N: I love James' relationship with Alice and the way they tease each other constantly. Don't worry, this is still a Scorpius Malfoy love story, it's just progressing a little slow.

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