Chapter Twenty One

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The trio arrived at St. Oswald's Home for Old Witches and Wizards. Alice stays close to Scorpius, but not close enough for either of the boys to ask questions about it.

"Um, excuse me... Excuse me," the boys try to get someone's attention. "EXCUSE ME!"

"Okay, so this place is wild," Scorpius says.

"We're looking for Amos Diggory," Albus speaks up.

Everything goes silent. Still. Alice is holding her breath.

"And what would you children want with that miserable old sod?" A woman asks.

Suddenly, a young woman with dark hair appears, smiling and walking towards the three children's

"Albus?" She says. "Albus! You came? How wonderful! Come and say hello to Amos!"


Amos looks at the three children in an irritated way.

"So let me get this straight," the old man begins. "You overhear a conversation — a conversation which was not meant for you to overhear — and you decide — without prompting, in fact, without leave — to interfere hard, in someone else's business."

"My father lied to you," Albus replies. "I know he did. They do have a time-turner."

"Of course they do. You can move along now."

"What?" Albus argues. "No, we're here to help."

"Help? What use could a trio or undersized teenagers be for me?"

"My father proved you don't have to be grown-up to change the wizarding world," Albus says.

"So I should allow you to get involved because you're a Potter? Relying on your famous name, are you?" Amos suggests.

"No!" Albus exclaims.

"A Potter who is in a Slytherin House — yes, I've read about you — and who brings a Malfoy with him to visit me — a Malfoy who may be Voldemort? Who's to say you're not involved in Dark Magic?"

Alice frowns at this, sending Amos a glare. He doesn't notice.

"But—" Albus starts.

"Your information was obvious but the confirmation is useful. Your father did lie. Now leave, the three of you. And stop wasting my time."

Albus stands stall. "No, you need to listen to me, you said it yourself— how much blood is on my father's hands. Let me help correct one of his mistakes. Trust me."

Amos raises his voice when he speaks again. "Did you not hear me, boy? I see no reason to trust you. So go. Now. Before I make you leave."

The man raises his wand at Albus, and Albus shrinks away. Alice gasps softly and moves forward, standing in front of the two boys, almost protectively.

"No," she says, voice shaky, only half as authoritative as she'd intended. Amos raises his eyebrows, not lowering his wand. "We are offering you help, Mr. Diggory. Don't you want your son back?"

The man's eyes go cold. Alice feels a twinge of panic, anticipating what the man is going to say next. However, Amos' niece speaks up first.

"I can think of one reason why you should trust them, Uncle," Delphi says. "They're the ones volunteering to help. They've prepared to bravely put themselves at risk to return your son to your side. In fact, I'm pretty sure they put themselves at risk even getting here..."

"This is Cedric we're talking about..."

"And— didn't you say so yourself, having someone inside Hogwarts might be a massive advantage?"

Delphi kisses the top of Amos's head. The man looks at his niece, then turns to the three Hogwarts students.

"Why?" Amos asks. "Why do you want to put yourself at risk? What's in it for you?"

"I know what it is to be the spare," Albus says. "Your son didn't deserve to be killed, Mr. Diggory. We can help you get him back."

"My son— my son was the best thing that ever happened to me— and you're right, it was an injustice— a gross injustice. If you're serious..."

"We're deadly serious," Albus confirms.

"This is going to be dangerous," Amos says.

"We know," Alice says.

"Do we?" Scorpius questions.

"Delphi— perhaps if you were prepared to accompany them?" Amos suggests.

"If that would make you happy, Uncle," Delphi smiles.

"You do understand even getting the Time-Turner will risk your lives," Amos says.

"We're ready to put our lives at risk," Albus says.

"Are we?" Scorpius asks.

"I hope you have it in you," Amos says gravely.

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