surprise - kevin

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It was her birthday and Kevin was determined to make it special. They got out of work at 5 and Kevin had everything planned out.

"Bye goober" she says giving Kevin a quick kiss before walking through the glass doors of blue base

"Bye" he smiles

"So what are you doing for her birthday?" Joey asks

"I'm sure you'll here about it" he laughs walking out the door

She walked through her front door and plopped on the couch, not long after she got a text

Kevin - check your porch 😘

She shuffled over to the door. No on was there but there was a small PINK bag.

She smiled and picked it up. There was a note

Put this on I'm picking you up at 7. Happy birthday to my one and only love you lots <3

She smiled and pulled the stuff out of the bag.

She went inside and slipped on the dress. She let down her natural brown waves.

It was seven and there was a knock on her door.

She opened the door to see Kevin in a olive green button up and he had a single red rose.

"Happy birthday love" he pulls her into a hug

"Thank you babe, your too sweet"

"No need to thank me, its your birthday and you deserve the best" he hands her the rose

"I love you so much you don't even understand" she

"I love you more"

"No way"

"Yes way" he says as his hands snake down to her waist.

"This reminds me of our first date" she gushes

"You were just as beautiful then as you are now"

"Your too sweet" she smiles before kissing him quickly

"Now lets go have the best birthday of you life"

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