sick - gunner

776 24 4

"Where's Gunner" you ask, roaming around the office

"He's at home. He said he was sick" Tanner says, walking down the stairs

You nod and run to Matthias' office.

"Hey Matt, can I go drop off some comfort food for Gunner since he's sick?" you ask

"Sure, did you get the BU thumbnail done?" he asks

"Sure did" you smile

"Go have the rest of day off to take care of him" He smiles

"Thanks you Matt" you say running back downstairs

You grab your bag and head straight to the nearest Target.


You grabbed some canned soup, crackers, ginger ale, tissues, a teddy bear and a few movies from Redbox, then headed for Gunner's apartment.


You unlocked the door with the key Tanner had given you.

"Tanner" you hear a raspy voice call out.

"Nope its Y/N" you say

You hear a soft sneeze come from his room and you follow the sound.

"Hey sick boy" you laughs sitting down on the side of his bed.

"Hi Y/N" he says "you here for your lunch?"

"Nope, Matthias gave me the day off to take care of you"

"Really you didn't have to Y/N" he coughs

"I wanted to trust me"


You made his soup and put Grease on Netflix. He sat on his bed, cuddled up in a fluffy blanket, clutching the teddy bear you had previously brought.

"You look cozy" you says walking in with a steaming bowl of soup

He patted the space next to him, wanting you to sit next to him. You carefully gave him the soup and got cozy in his bed.

That's really weird to say, but its true. His blankets were softer. His bed was cozier. It felt like home.

"I'm gonna get you sick" Gunner laughs. He placed his head in the crook of your neck.

"Its worth it" you run your hand through his black hair

He hums in content, so you do it again. He starts to melt into into you until he head is in your lap, your hands still roamed his hair.


The movie was ending and as The credits played Gunner's soft snores were heard as well.

You leaned down and kiss his cheek

"You-" you start before the door busts open

"Gunner I'm back!" Tanner's voice booms

"Shhhhh" you say quickly

"Awwwww otp" he whispers quickly walking out the door

You roll your eyes and look back down at the man peacefully sleeping

"I felt you kiss my cheek" Gunner says grogily

"Oh oops" you giggle

"Its fine, but can you do it again" he smiles

You lean down to kiss cheek again and he turns his head so your lips touch

"Goodnight Y/N" he says pulling away

"G-goodnight" you stutter

"Remind me to kiss you right side up tomorrow"

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