I'm trying to tell the story of those who are too depressed to speak.

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I had a friend who walked out of school one day.

For no said reason, not planned, no 'goodbyes'. Just left.

Then, after three months, she came back. And told us that she had spent all that time in the hospital.

The MENTAL hospital.

And we didn't laugh, didn't scoff. We wondered. Wondered how such a tough girl, with slight anger issues could become so depressed, so BROKEN.

And now, I am here to tell people what she went through.

Both physically AND mentally.

And be ware, it will make you cry, and fill your heart with sympathy. But she doesn't need your sympathy.

She needs your UNDERSTANDING.

They do, they ALL do.

They need YOU to show them. That they are NOT ALONE.

10-30-15       /      30-10-15

I'm sorry if this hurts you

I'm sorry if this is bad

I'm sorry if it is nothing like what you feel

Because it turns into what I feel

Wandering through the darkness

Breaking into pieces

Maybe you'll get a journey into darkness instead

Better understanding, right?

I'm trying to tell the story of those who are too depressed to speak.Where stories live. Discover now