"Author's" Note

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I have nothing against The fault In our Stars, it's amazing. I'm just feeling like the closest I can get to being depressed right now, it's one of those days where I can be alone and just sob. I'm not depressed, as I have stated before, but I do want to help people see.

So it's on days like these where even though the sun shines bright and the sky is clear, I get a storm in my mind that I update this little 'story'. It doesn't matter if you have experienced depression or worse before, or if you have no idea or any expierence but you just want to get a clue, because your sick of being called 'shallow'. I try my best to walk in the shoes of those who are depresesed, I know that I might not do a very good job with it. So if you have been depressed before, and you feel like I am missing something-anything- tell me. I want to let everyone know what it's like. Because it isn't fair to those who struggle. It would be so much better if others could see what it's like on the other side.

Either way, no one is wrong or right. I don't look down on anyone, or anything. I only look up. I'm not gonna try to say inspirational things because to me, words of pain and grief and depression are inspiration. Because I could never idolize anything more than a world in which everyone understands eachother.

I don't want to create sympathy, that is a stupid goal. No one needs to feel bad for others, no one needs to look down on others. No one has the right to.

I want to create understanding.

And on days like today, I will try.

10-30-15        /       30/10/15

Yeah, things change. If some of the next parts seem worse, well, life changes.

You can call it a broken heart

I'll call it one step closer to falling

Either way it's a bit dimmer

But that's fine

Eyes adjust right?

I'm trying to tell the story of those who are too depressed to speak.Where stories live. Discover now