Scale (roomate)

4 0 0

Self-destroying mental illnesses aren't like how those videos describe either. Fatal sicknesses like anorexia (eating disorders) and belomenia (making yourself throw up after you eat) are not nessiarly because the person thinks they're fat, like in some videos. In those videos it shows a girl (mostly girls) disturbingly thin, but it implies that the way they see them selves is many times fatter. But no, not all people mentally add pounds to their reflection. Sometimes it's more like "I reached my goal of loosing one pound, and I look better, so why not two? I'll look even better if I lost two. And a few days or weeks later, I have successfully lost two pounds and so I'm like, why not four? I've already lost two, four shouldn't be that hard. It doesn't seem so problematic, I mean, four pounds isn't really that much harm." But after four it's eight and after eight sixteen. And on and on as it spirals downwards.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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I'm trying to tell the story of those who are too depressed to speak.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora