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I see it.

It's slowly creeping up in me. It's in the distance, as if I wouldn't notice it's presence if it moves that slow.

But I do.

I know that I'm not NORMAL.

That I haven't been laughing as much I used to. Haven't been socializing with others.

But there is a good reason for that.

No one likes me.

No one wants to be my friend.

They all look at me as if I have some kind of disease, that they are determined not to catch. And by doing that, they avoid me. I try, well I did. In the beginning, I smiled it away, pushed my thoughts aside and tried to talk with other kids. But over time it became way too clear that no one wanted to be near me.

So I stopped trying.

And I've been sinking deeper in this dark and lonely hole, in my head ever since.

Now, I see the rolling fog on the ground. Coming towards me from all sides. All directions. There's simply no escape.

It is still far away, on the horizon and I won't be caught in it for a while yet.

But I know it's coming.

And I know that when it does come, I'll finally drown.

But maybe drowning is better than suffering.

I'm trying to tell the story of those who are too depressed to speak.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora