It begins

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     Bucky and Steve head down to Tony's workshop. They get in the elevator. "Come on Buck let's see what Tony is doing." Steve pulls Bucky to make him walk faster. Bucky glares so hard he attempts to burn a hole through Steve's head.
    "But," Bucky began but quickly shut up when he realized Steve was giving him a glare. "Bucky you have to do this you have to spend time with Tony which you think wouldn't matter to me after how I treated him but no blah blah blah." Bucky mumbles to himself. Steve rolled his eyes. They get out of the elevator.
   "No buts, come on" They walk into the lab. Steve calls out for Tony who rolls out from under the car he was working on. He is covered in grease. Bucky wants to laugh because Tony should not look that attractive for the fact that he is covered in grease.
   "Oh crap, I forgot I promised Sam I would go for a run with him." Steve said. Tony looked up in disbelief at what Steve said. Bucky glares in annoyance.
    "Sure you forgot." Bucky says. Tony laughs because that is exactly what he was thinking. Steve quickly dashes out of the room in an attempt to avoid being called out about that anymore.
    Bucky turns to Tony and says "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe." Tony blushes and looks away. He returns to what he was doing with the car.
     "Whatcha doin Tony?" Tony keeps looking at the car. He frowns but decides that he should at least attempt to explain what he is doing. Bucky continues to look at him.
     "Well you see I am putting water in car battery to try and make it work again, understand?" Tony tries to explain sarcastically since it seemed pretty obvious to him what he was doing.
    "You don't have to be that rude about it." Tony looks at him super annoyed. Bucky raises his eyebrows.
     "I'm not being rude and I assumed that when your boyfriend ditched, you would too." Tony says rolling his eyes. Bucky glares and then thinks about what Tony said.
      "Whoa Whoa Whoa, who said Steve and I were dating?" Bucky says waving his arms in a clear attempt to assure that Tony won't think that anymore. Tony gives a bitchface. Bucky crosses his arms.
      "Oh no, of course you and capsicle aren't dating, he only gave up on the entire world to save you." Tony stands up and doesn't notice that the creeper is in his way. He falls over it and Bucky catches him. Tony clutches the sleeves of Bucky's shirt trying to get his legs back under him, while Bucky's arms are wrapped around his waist holding him upright. Tony mumbles "stupid overpriced skateboard" 
      Steve suddenly realizes he forgot his wallet. He walks back to Tony's workshop and sees Bucky holding Tony. He takes a picture because he probably will never get another chance to see something like this.
       Tony is struggling to stand up and Bucky is not helping. "Aww just kiss already." Steve says with his intention being to annoy Tony. Tony raises an eyebrow. Bucky just shrugs and decides to do it to be annoying right back.
       Bucky leans in, his breath soft across Tony's lips, Tony surges forward his teeth scraping against Bucky's lips as he drags out the kiss. Steve's jaw drops, and he waits for them to stop. An awkward moment passes, before he decides to back out of the room. 
      Tony pulls away slowly. "Well this is a little awkward considering you killed my parents." Bucky grimaces. Tony smiles awkwardly.
    "I'm just gonna go. Really hope there are no hard feeling about me killing your parents." Bucky chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head. Tony turns back to what he was doing. Bucky walks out of the room and as soon as he's out of Tony's sight he runs.
         "Why did he kiss me? Steve was clearly kidding." Tony rubs his face. He walks to his work table plopping down and starts working on his latest project wondering if Bucky being that friendly with him was a one time thing or not.

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