Chapter two

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I chose a pusha criss cross bare back body con dress and black stilettos and last but not the least, my ever so reliable red mac lipstick for our night out. Forget all the things you need except the lipstick. Trust me.

When I went inside the bar, I saw Brianne already talking, well flirting, to the guy next to him in the couch. I approached her and air kissed her cheeks.

"Ana! Excuse us, we'll just go to the ladies room. Hold on to my purse for me please." She gave a very hardcore kiss to him before leaving.

"Sorry I got started without out you. This guy's a charmer!" Brianne blurted out when we are in the ladies room.

"I can tell. You're practically marking you're territory there, with the purse and the hickey on his neck." I laughed.

"Oh my god! What if he's THE one?" Her now big eyes gleaming like a ten year old kid.

"Woah! Hold up and freeze! You sounded like the Ana in Frozen my cousins love to watch. People don't fall in love at first sight or night in this matter. Don't jump to conclusions yet. Know him first before you decided to really fall inlove with him." I realized I sounded like an old lady giving advice to her grandaughter about love, which I also realized I know nothing off so who am I to talk? I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Just have fun and use condoms!" I pat her on the back and we left the ladies room.

I headed to the bar. The whole club has a nice setting. Rightly dimmed and not so blaring music all the time. When I reached my seat I ordered a flirtini to the bartender. I can't help but over hear a few sentences of the conversation of the people next to me.

"Do you have a date tonight?" The girl said and puts her arms around the guy's shoulder and played with the tips of his hair.

The guy then blew it off when he insulted her platinum hoops. He titled his head. "What is on your ear? Ringbinders?"

The look on the girl's face is priceless! Insulted, shocked, humiliated and terribly angry. She slapped the guy then stormed off to the ladies room.

"Ow! What did I say?" The guy complained then drank his beer.

"One flirtini for the most enchanting woman of the night." The bartender said then he winked at me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

I took a sip of my flirtini then I spoke with the guy who just got slapped by the girl. "You deserve it you know, the slap." He jolted and I sip my flirtini again.

I can't really see the guy's face since his back is turned on me before but he just turned at the worst moment! The guy who just got slapped is my business date earlier! Carlo Ricardi smiling miscievously in the flesh! I choked while sipping my flirtini! Have you ever tried choking on a flirtini? Let me tell you It's not good!

His mischievous smile is quickly wipped off after realizing my flirtini situation. The bartener quckly offered me a lemonade soda and water. After a few moments the burning sension lessens and I calmed down. A few of the customers near by saw what happened. Gosh that is so humiliating! One thing is for sure, no flirtinis in a while!

I don't know what happened but when I realized it I was already in Carlo's arms. I quickly untangled myself from him and calmed myself down. "Thank you."

"No problem. My arms are always open for choking ladies just don't soil my shirt." He smiled.

I'm clearly baffled. "Excuse me?!" I don't know if this guy is joking or not but clearly, he is an a-hole. I rolled my eyes tyen I realized the contract so I tried to calm myself. The hundred million contract. I repeatedly thought in my head. If he is just any other guy I would've also done what the previous girl did and slapped this guy.

"Analiza. Hey!" He disrupted my calming exercise.

"What?" I snapped at him.

He blinked a few times then looked at me again. "Sorry. I thought something happed to you again."

So he still has a heart. "Sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

I was about to take a sip at my iced tea when I saw that he is about to ask a question. I quickly put the glass down. One choking situation is enough for one night.

"It's a first."


"You are the first person to snap at me." He sheepishly said.

Good thing I really didn't drank my iced tea. "No way. You can't be serious. I mean with your terrible attitude and a-hole demeanor surely a lot would've been pissed by-" I realized too late that I've said too much. I looked at him and looks like deep in though.

"I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to. The words just escaped and shoot off my mouth. I shouldn't have said that. Please don't take it on the company. Just have me fired. No, wait. Don't have me fired! I need this job! Please! I'm sorry!" I looked at him desperately

He looked mad at me then after a few seconds he burst out laughing. He is laughing so hard he is clutching his stomach.

"That's not funny!" I complained. He quickly stopped laughing.

"You're right it's not. It's hilarious!" He continued on to his laughing fit.

I've had enough. Any more minute with this guy and I might just knock the lights out of him. "Excuse me." I quickly left the bar.

I was about to search for Brianne when someone grabs my arm. I looked and saw Carlo holding me off. I raised a brow at him, just like what he did earlier in the afternoon.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I really mean it that you are first one to snap on me and apparently the first one to say how awful I am but it's really hilarious when you suddenly got nervous and blabber in front of me." He laughed and I glared at him which shuts him immediately.

"Let's forget what happened and start again shall we?" He offered and led me again to the bar.

"In one condition. What ever happens here would not reflect on the contract that is need to be signed." I raised my hand for a handshake.

"Deal." He shook my hand.

The bartender gave me an lemonade again on the house.

"You really deserve that slap earlier." I said to him.

At first he is confused then he remembered what happened earlier. "I think maybe because as you said I'm an ass but I still don't know what did I said that got her mad."

Wow this man is so dense! "You insulted her."

He looks confused. "I really don't get it."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You told her her earings looked like a ringbinder."

"So? It's the truth." He shrugged.

Wow. This man really needs some sense knocked up into him! "Women takes hours or days to find the perfect outfit they want to wear and you blew all her efforts off by saying her your comment to her."

"What do you expect me to do? Tell her it looks nice on her when It's really not? I'm not a girl. I don't do that."

"Touche. But being a man does not give you an unlimited right to insult women. If you don't have anything nice to say, then just shut up."

"Aye aye ma'am!"

I looked at him. "It's either aye aye captain or ma'am yes, ma'am right? What are you saying?" I laughed at him.

"Ah. Uh. Ah. If men don't have an unlimited right to insult women then women don't also have the right to be a smartass all the time."

"Cheers to that." I raised my iced my glass and clinked it to his.

A Flirtini in a glassWhere stories live. Discover now