Chapter Three

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“You kept on checking out that guy. It’s starting to creep me out.” He said.

“Huh?” I was actually looking out for Brianne. Just one wrong move and I’ll quickly punch that guy. A lot of guys in the past learned that they shouldn’t mess with Brianne the hard way. When she decides she likes a guy she falls hard and more often than not she comes crying at me because they cheated on her.

“The guy wearing blue polo. You’re checking him out right?”

“I’m.. not checking him out! .. Per se.. The girl next to him is my bestfriend. I’m looking out for her and I’m looking up on the guy to make sure I remember his face well.” I wickedly smile.

He is shocked by my statement. “The guy you’re planning to beat up is MY bestfriend.” Now, I’m shock! He chuckles. “Relax. If he does I’ll even help you beat his ass up.” He winked. “He asked me to come with him so that he could have fun and to avoid being approached by women every few minutes. He said I'm a walking women repellant. Do I look gay?"

I laughed. He didn't get what his friend meant at all!

"What?" He snapped.

"You don't really get it, do you?" He shook his head. "Let me guess, you always say whatever is on your mind." He nods. "You also get away with everything you do."

He thought for a while then shrugged. "I think so."

I laughed again.

"What? I don't get it."

"Still?" I laughed. He looked at me. "Take what you said to that girl earlier. You told her she was wearing a ringbrinder. You're insensitive to other people's feelings, without a care if you hurt them or not and women especially hate those kind of man."

"I was joking." He said defensively.

I shook my head. "It may be a bad joke but still, you did not take her feelings into consideration and you didn't even say sorry. That's rude."

His shoulders slumped then he heaved a frustrated sigh. "Fine I get it."

I looked again to Brianne and her guy company.

"I knew I should've been spending a nice relaxing weekend at home instead of coming here.” He shooks his head.

My eyebrows furrowed. “I wouldn’t place you to be one of the guys who spends at lot of his time at home.”

“I’m not. I practically spend my entire week travelling and only stays at home once a week.”

“Wow. Workaholic much?”

“I would describe it more of as a job requirement.”

When I looked at Brianne again, I saw the guy she slept with last night approached her. He held her waist then turned her around to kiss her. She pushed him and the guy she's with put her behind him. I immediately went to her side.

"What's wrong with you!" She shouted.

The guy raised his brow. "Why hate me now? You're so willing last night." He said with a wicked look.

Brianne looked aghast. "You're little wiener happened. So, back off and get over it." I said to the guy.

He looked at me from head to toe. "Why don't I prove you wrong?" He offered. That does it. This guy's going down!

A wicked idea came to me. It's a good thing he is not too tall and I'm wearing four inch heels.

I seductively smile and approached him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and comb his disgusting oily hair with my fingers. He tensed. I knew this guy also like me when we met last night but when they approached us I flirted with his friend.

I whispered to his ear. "You want to prove it to me?" He didn't answer.

"Say you want me." I said seductively then nipped his earlobe. His knees buckled.

"Do you want me?" He nods. I already felt his membrane bulging and poking me.

"Say it. Say you want me."

"I. . want . . you" He stammered.

"Louder." I slightly grind him. His member hardened more.

"I want you!" He shouted.

"Good boy." I released him and innocently smiled at him

He was leaning for a kiss but I stopped him by placing a finger to his lips. I smiled again. "Sorry but you're not man enough to make the cut. Why don't you grow some balls and be a man first." I stepped on his foot with my four inch killer heels and kicked him in the shin. He groaned and fell on the ground.

I grabbed Brianne and we went out of the bar. "So, where to?" I looked at Brianne. It's too early to go home and I really don't want to go to another bar today.

"Want some late dinner?" The guy Brianne is flirting to earlier offered.. I didn't notice him with us when we left the bar and I also saw Carlo right behind him.

"There are no opened restaurants at this hour." I stated with a duh.

"Drive thru?" Carlo Suggested.

"Yes! Then let's watch some late night movie at our apartment!" I looked at Brianne! You don't bring a man at home! That's like telling them where you live!  I mouthed 'No' A few times to her. I hope she got the message.

She brightly smiled at me. Shit! Maybe because of this guy's small cavalry act she decided to fall in love with him! She might really be dead serious with this guy!

The guy offered his arm to her where she gladly hooked hers, and then she brimmed at me.

100% certain. She has fallen in love with no return. I involuntary stepped backwards. I collided with Carlo.

He caught me and placed his hands to my hips. "Woah, easy there tigress."

My eyebrows furrowed. There is that weird feeling again. I immediately free myself from him and he stand next to me.

"What's the matter? The adrenaline wears off and the reality sinks in?"

"Yeah, sort off." I shrugged.

When the car came around we rode different vehicles. Brianne rode with her guy and sadly I'm stuck with Carlo. I don't really want to be in the same car with them, who knows what will they do in there and it will be too awkward.

"You are eerily silent it now creeps me out." I said to him when we're in the car.

He shook his head. "Just thinking."

"Care to share?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "I'm just thinking about what you said earlier."

I tilted my head the looked at him. "Which part?"

"I think that you're really serious and capable of beating my friend's ass if he hurts your friend."

"That I'm sure." I said with pure confidence. "Brianne is too kind and she falls very fast when she liked a guy. Well in this case, your friend." I sighed.


I looked a him. "If I told you, then you could think of a way to protect your friend."

"I told you, if he does hurt your friend I'll even help you get back to him." He grinned at me.

"Nope. You can't make me talk." I told him. Well, it actually depends on how much of a douchebag the guy is. Those guys should learn a lesson or two but you get the point right?

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