Chapter 28

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Skyler's POV

Nat: Mission unsucessful. hbu? 

I read it. "Hey Luke?" I ask bumping into his shoulder after practise "yeah" "why don't you and Michael get along?" I ask biting lip as he get's to his locker. He shrugs 

"it's the way we've always been he hates me I hate him" "that sounds pretty childish don't you think?" I ask half joking he frowns running his fingers through his hair "do you... like him?" He asks looking at me nervously I roll my eyes slapping his shoulder playfully "no!" He sighs smirking 

"but I do think he's really talented and you should consider adding him to your almost band" I mumble he stops walking and looks at me "are you serious?" he asked I shrugged "you can't he serious" he snorts shaking his head beginning to walk away "why not" I whine following after him. "No Sky" he says reaching his locker and beginning his combination 

"I bet you'd like him if you actually talked to him" I argue leaning against the locker next to his. "Now who sounds like a child?" he retorts I smile rolling my eyes as he chuckles "come on give him a chance what's the worse that could happen?" 

"Michael doesn't commit to anything there's no way he'll take any of it seriously" I pout as he shuts his locker "let's go to class" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder "I'm still mad at you" I whisper as he pulls me closer. 

"Hey lovebirds" I say as we walk up to them near the front entrance. "Hey" Natalie smiles "what are you guys talking about?" she asks glancing at his arm, as he smiles and drops in down to his waist "Michael" I say casually Calum groans.  "What kind of spell has he cast?" He asked dramatically 

"Look we just think you guys are really talented and we want more people to it" I say looking between them "we can find another guitar player" Luke counters "and we don't even know if he can sing" Calum adds "and you'll never will unless you try" Natalie sings "yeah and besides do you know anyone who play guitar looking to join three person band with out a name?" I mock his comment from the other day. 

Luke looks at Calum who shrugs slightly "come on please try" I whine putting my hand on Luke shoulder "yeah come on please?" Natalie tries looking up at Calum "fine!" he breaks Natalie squeals kissing him on the cheek 

"awe dude!" Luke says looking at Calum "Sorry bro" he says wrapping his arm around Natalie's waist. "One day you'll thank us" I say "come on group hug" I continue holding my arms. They chuckle joining us "so should I talk to Michael?" I ask pulling my bag higher up on my arm "no I'll tell him" Luke says bitterly "ok" I say awkwardly.  

Natalie's POV

We continued on our way home, and I said "So now they're finally gonna become a proper band?" "I guess." Sky muttered.  "What's up with you." I asked bumping shoulders.  

"Nothing." Sky said as we finally got onto our street and Sky immediately went into her house.  What was up with her?

The days continued to go by.  Obviously I still hadn't said anything about my relationship with anyone except Skyler and Luke.  And Michael unintentionally.  Mallory still didn't know obviously, and I didn't want to say anything.  It had been two weeks since we had gotten together, and I just didn't want Mallory constantly plotting multiple ways to kill me.

"I don't know how to know...." Calum said.  "What are you even talking about babe?" I asked laughing a little.  Calum rolled his eyes and said "About Michael.  I mean, I need to know if he can sing first!" "I thought Luke was confronting him?" "We decided to do it together.  But....he doesn't want you and Sky tagging along.  In case Michael decides to start being all snarky." he said, and I gave him a quick peck and said "You'll be fine.  Just go up to him during lunch or something."

It was at the end of the day that both me and Skyler awaited the response from Michael.  Finally the boys walked in and me and Skyler sat up and said "Well?"  Calum said "He said ok.  But I doubt he'll wanna stay.  Heck, I doubt we'll even become friends." "Stop being so negative babe!  Remember you gotta TRY." I said gripping onto his hand, and his brown eyes looked into mine.

He sighed and said "God I can't seem to not say no to you.  You win."  He gave my temple a kiss while I giggled and said "Come on, at least this time around I'm right!" "I really hope you are Nat." he said, pulling me close.

"Um, we don't require too much PDA!" Luke sarcastically said, pretending to cover his eyes.  Skyler laughed and Calum then said "Hey at least we're not making out....yet." "Excuse me?" Skyler asked giving Calum a look.

"Don't make promises you can't keeeeeepppp." I sung as I gave Calum a quick peck.  "Gee we have two crazy lovebirds over here." I heard a sarcastic snarky comment say. We all looked to see Michael with his fringe as usual, hands in his pockets, smirk plastered across his face.

"And what do you need Clifford?" Calum snapped, tightening his grip on my waist, clearly marking his territory.  "Sorry that I'm pissing you off Hood.  But I was just asking when you wanted to practice.  Or record a video or something." Michael said shrugging.

"We were planning to meet this Saturday.  At noon.  At Calum's place." Luke piped in and Michael nodded and said "Well I'll see you lads then."  He left just as quickly as he came.

Calum and Luke suddenly relaxed and said "Well should we be on our way?"  

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