Chapter 34

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Skyler's POV

Luke pressed a finger to his lips grabbing my hand and running away from the party as soon as we got out of the car, I had never been to this part of town before not that there was anything wrong with it it's that I didn't really go out much. Luke turns the corner the blaring music just a hum in the background he turns to face me and smiles proud. 

"That was quite cheeky" Hemmings I joke trying to pinch his cheek he darts away running down the street. I groan chasing after him "you run like a giraffe" I call hoping that would make him stop. It didn't. I catch up to him eventually grabbing onto the bottom of his sweatshirt and yanking it.

Luke squeals "this is new" is complains trying to flatten it down "not my fault you run like a giraffe" I chuckle Luke rolls is eyes before starting to walk quickly away. "Where are you going" I whine trudging after him "Park!" He says excitedly "you are such a child" I joke 

"hurry up" "I don't wanna move anymore" I say sitting on the pavement "and you call me the child" he says walking back to me he hold out his hand and I take it with a sigh "get on my back" he says placing my hand on his shoulders "what?" I say eyes wide "come on baby" he jokes making my stomach do a flip, before I can respond he's picked me up and is half running half galloping towards the park. 

"She said I been to the year 3000!" Luke yells "not much has changed but they live underwater" I continue "and your great great great daughter" "she's doing fine, she's doing-" Luke laughs "what?" I asked not understanding what was so funny 

"the lyrics she's pretty fine not she's doing fine" I gasp "I don't think so Lucas" I say turning my head to the side to get a glimpse of his face. "You are so stubborn" He says beginning to spin around "Luke no" I say as he begins to twirls faster "admit I'm right!" He says as we whip around I squeal holding on to him tighter "ok ok fine" I admit hitting his back Luke stops suddenly releasing the grip he has on my legs and setting me back on the ground. 

Luke lays out on the patch of grass in front of the playground I stumble to lie down beside him feeling light headed. "Do you ever imagine living London?" He asks eyes focused on the sky I turn on my side propping my head up with my hand "sometimes, Natalie wants to study out there" I say embarrassingly more focused on him then the stars. 

"Why?" Luke shrugs "everything around here seems so normal sometimes makes you think about things" "like?" I prompt Luke sighs turning to face me and copying my position "like I wonder if Mikey, Calum and I could ever make it to London" I smile 

"I think you could" I say truthfully Luke snorts "you're just saying that" "I'm seriously you guys are seriously talented" "uh huh yeah ok" he says standing up and pulling me with him. "Race you too the swing set" "okay baby" I wink payback Hemmings I say only getting a glimpse of his expression as I dash off. 

Natalie's POV

Cal sighed, pulling the phone away.  "Nothing?" "Nope.  Guess Suke's gone MIA on us."  I sighed and said "Well looks like its just you and me really.  Cause Michael's gone somewhere!" 

Cal looked around and sighed and said "Well looks like everyone felt like abandoning everyone tonight!" "Clearly." I said as we made our way to the kitchen, an array of beer bottles and chips on display on the kitchen table.

I grabbed a red solo cup and poured some water into the cup, while Cal grabbed some Pepsi.  The music continued to pound through me, as I took a sip of the cold water.

Suddenly I could hear the slow beat of "Somewhere Only We Know".  I loved this song!  I felt myself fangirling inside, however I somehow maintained my calm composure on the outside.

"I love this song!" Calum suddenly said turning to me.  "I know right!" I immediately replied.  I felt myself blush and Cal said "Come on, let's dance..."  He grabbed my hand and I smiled as he pulled me into the living room, which was the dance floor.  There were couples everywhere, and finally me and Calum fit ourselves in, as his arms found their way on my hips, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  

We began to sway, as the words began to flow out of the speakers.

I walked across an empty land

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand

I felt the earth beneath my feet

Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone?

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

So tell me when you're gonna let me in

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

Calum looked at me and leaned forward, kissing me, slowly.  I was pretty sure he was trying to pull off the world's longest kiss.  Which I didn't mind, obviously.  I mean, I wanted to freeze that moment, despite the fact that I knew that this moment would have to end soon.

Of course, the song ended, and the typical Top 40 stuff began to play.  Cal looked at me and said "I've heard the backyard is nice."  We walked out, as the night air hit me in the chest, and I felt relieved.

I looked up at the sky, seeing that it was clear, the moon shining brightly.  There were a couples dots of stars, and Cal pulled me close to me and kissed me again.  I could taste some of the Pepsi on his lips this time, and while the music continued to blast, all I could really focus on was me and Calum together, in our own silence.

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