× Chapter One ×

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"Please...stop..." A beaten Stiles says as he tries to get to his feet.

Another kick lands on Stiles stomach.

"What are you going to do now, your little friends aren't here to protect you?" A dark voice says.

"I...Why are you doing this??" Stiles asks, stuttering a little.

Stiles gets picked up by his shirt and pushed up against the wall. His head smacks against the wall and a few tears fall from Stiles's ​eyes. The dark figure punches Stiles and his nose and lips starts to bleed.

"Please...why...are you doing this?" Stiles asks pleadingly.

"Because I want to break you."

Stiles looks his capture in the eye and says, "I don't break easily."

Another punch finds its way to Stiles face.

Stiles wakes up, beads of sweat rolling down his face. Tears threaten to fall as he hugs his knees to chest, ignoring the pain that he felt in his arms, stomach, and chest.

The tears that threatened to fall started slide down Stiles cheeks. "Why am I such a disappointment?"

Stiles gets out of bed and checks the time on his phone. 7:17, his alarm should be going off here in a couple of minutes. He shuts off the alarm and walks over to his closet and looks for something to wear.

He ends up wearing a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. He slips on his shoes, wincing in pain as he does. He grabs his book bag and slowly makes it down the stairs.

He sets his bag down on a chair and grabs a muffin from the bowl on the island. He eats his muffin and when he's done he throws away the trash. He walks over to the fridge and sees:

Stiles I have to work late. I put a twenty in your wallet so you can order some pizza. 
                                                                                                                 -Love Dad 

"I don't need anymore food." Stiles thinks to himself.

Stiles grabs his keys and heads outside to the his jeep. He throws his book bag in the passenger seat of the jeep and heads to school, wishing he could have stayed in bed. He didn't want to go through another beating.

Arriving at school he pulls into the parking lot and parks his jeep. He grabs his book bag and climbs out of his jeep, slightly wincing in pain as he does. He shuts his jeep door and heads into school. He walks to his locker and Liam walks over to him.

"Hey have you seen Scott?" Liam asks, making Stiles jump.

"Nope I haven't seen him, I have to get to class. Sorry Liam." Stiles says grabbing his world history book and walks off skittishly.

I wonder what's up with him? Liam thinks to himself.

Stiles shoves the book in his bag and heads to the bathroom. He takes in a deep breath and let's it out shakily.

Please don't show up today. Please don't show up today.. Stiles thinks to himself.

He looks around and let's out a sigh of relief. Jay and his friends are no where to be found. The bell rings, alerting everyone that they should be in class.

Great another class I'm gonna be late for.

Stiles opens the bathroom door only to see Jay and his crew waiting there for him. Jay pushes Stiles to the ground and his crew holds Stiles down while Jay punches Stiles in the nose, breaking it.

"He's all yours boys. Just don't touch his face. We don't need McCall or anyone else asking any questions." Jay says to his gang.

Jay leaves the bathroom and his friends start to kick and beat the crap out of Stiles. They finally stop when he goes unconscious. Feeling satisfied they head to class leaving Stiles beaten and a little bloody.

After a few minutes Stiles wakes up and sees a small pool of his blood from his nose. He gets to his feet and slowly walks over to mirror. He looks at his nose and sees that it's slightly swolen, he lifts up his shirt and sees a giant bruise on is stomach.

"Great, I better get to the nurses office."

Stiles slowly gets out of the bathroom and walks to the nurses office. "Stiles! Are you okay?" Nurse Freya asks Stiles as she rushes over to Stiles and helps him to the cot at the back of the room.

She pushes the curtain giving the two privacy, "It was Jay and crew again wasn't?"

Stiles nods and she says, "Lay back, slowly."

Stiles does what she says and she lifts up his shirt seeing the bruises, the new ones and the old ones. She gasps at the bruises and she says, "Stiles, your lucky there isn't any internal damage or you haven't broken anything."

"I know, Freya." Stiles replies.

"Stiles, you need to tell your dad or tell your friends." She tells him trying to be helpful.

"Remember the last time I told someone. Or even tried to fight back. They almost put me in the hospital. It's easier this way." Stiles replies shakily.

"I'll let you sleep for a little bit but after that, I'm gonna have to send you to class. I'll get you some ibuprofen to help with the pain." Freya says as she walks back to the front office​ grabbing a pill bottle. She heads back to see Stiles already passed out on the cot.

"I wish you didn't have to deal with this Stiles. I wish you'd tell your dad or your friends." Freya says leaving Stiles a couple of pills and a glass of water to take when he wakes up.

She gets a wet paper towel and wipes the excess blood. From his nose and then tells the janitor about the blood in the bathroom, getting him to clean it up before anyone notices it.

Scott, Liam, Malia and Lydia we're all curious as to where their spazstic friend was up to. Scott was curious and a little worried. He felt something was up but shook it off, but he did know that he was going to find Stiles before his next class even if it ment skipping class.

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