× Chapter Eight ×

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Where is Stiles?

Scott was about to loose it. He couldn't take it, he wanted know where his mate was. Melissa walks into the room and see an empty hospital bed.

A frantic Scott runs over to his mother and asks, "Mom where's Stiles?"

"He should be back by now. I don't know, I'll check and find out." She replies leaving the room.

She heads back outside and disappear around the corner. Scott looks to Noah and Noah says trying to comfort him, "Hey, it's okay. We're gonna find him."

"I can't.... I can't....I can't loose him...not again.." Scott says, trying not to get mad or let tears fall.

Noah see the frustrated boy in front of him and he pulls him to hug trying to get him to calm down, which it only worked for a couple of seconds.

Melissa comes back in and says with a worried expression written on her face, "No one has any recollection of Stiles even leaving the room."

Scott's eyes flashed red before he leaves the room, anger pumping through his veins. Once he's out of the hospital he quickly picks up Stiles's scent and follows it.


Stiles eyes flicker open and he takes in his surroundings, he's in one of the old dread doctors lair. He shakes off the grogginess and tries to move. He looks down and sees that his wrists and ankles are handcuffed to the wall.

He let's out a sigh and tries to get out of the hand cuffs. "Your not going to get out​."

Stiles looks up and around the room, trying to find the source of the voice but doesn't​.

"Who are you?"

"You'll find out soon enough, but for now, I want you to suffer." The voice replies. You could hear the anger in their voice.

"Why am I here? What do you want?" Stiles asks, trying to get some answers.

A woman appears in front of him and says, "You are here because I want a certain Alpha and your the only one that can bring him to me."

She gets closer to him and grabs an iron poker from the fire. "Lets see how loud you scream."

She puts the poker on his left leg and Stiles let's out a blood curdling scream.

Scott feels pain in his left leg which causes him to quit running. He hears Stiles screams which causes his eyes to turn red. He lifts up his pants leg and finds a red mark that quickly heals. He continues to run and tried to pick up on Stiles scent but he couldn't find it again.

He lossed it in the woods.

He walked over to a tree and started to punch it, repeatedly​. Not caring about the pain or the blood that started to slide down his hands.

He kept punching and punching until his hands were raw.

"Find Stiles."

"Come on. You can do this. You can find him. You've don't it before, you can do it again." Scott tells himself, trying to reasure him that he'd get him back.

He takes off running, trying to pick up on Stiles scent.

After a couple of seconds the mystery woman removes the poker and says, "Let the game of hide and seek begin."

Stiles quit screaming and tears stream down his face. The woman holds her hand over Stiles's leg and her hand starts to glow blue. When her hand touches Stiles's leg he jerks at the sudden coolness. He looks back up at her eyes and their glowing blue, like Malia's​ and Peter's.

"Why do you want Scott? And what do I have to do with anything involving him?" Stiles asks, the woman takes her hand off Stiles's leg leaving a bluish hand print.

"He has something I want." She says, "And you are someone very special to him. You are the only person he cares about."

"What do you mean? He's my best friend."

She stands up and says, "You are very clueless. It's just adorable."

"You'll figure it out." She says, leaving Stiles handcuffed to the wall.

Before she walks out the door she snaps her fingers and the handcuffs on his hands are gone but the ones on his feet remain there. Stiles rubs his wrists and gets to his feet. He tries to break the chain that bounded him to the wall.

Which he failed.

He walks to the end of the chain and tries to find something he could use to get out of the cuffs. He grabs rock laying near him and he starts to slam the rock on the chain. Over and over again until it breaks.

When it does he quickly takes off running out side only to be tripped by the mysterious woman. He let's out a little yell before asking, "Why would you do that?"

"Well, I figured you'd get out somehow so I gave you a little help." She says walking over to him, picks him up dragging him over to the tree near by.

"Plus, how can Scott find your scent if you're locked in an building."

Moments later the two were met with the loud roar of a pissed off alpha.

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