× Chapter Seven ×

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After Stiles calmed down Scott helped him to the bed and got him under the covers. Scott's​ mom walks in holding a syringe full of pain meds. "Stiles, can you rate your pain?"

"Yeah an 8." Stiles replies snuggling the back of his head into the pillow behind him.

She pumps the medicine through the IV and then says to Stiles before leaving the room, "If you need anything, just push the button."

"Will do." He replies, letting out sigh.

Scott looks at Stiles as he fumbles with the TV remote. Scott smiles and sits on the bed by Stiles grabbing the remote and turns on the TV, flipping through the channels until Stiles tells him to stop.

He told him to stop on the TV show they use to watch when they were 10. It was Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. Stiles remember going over Scott's everyday so they could watch it. It was their thing before lacrosse.

Scott looks up at the TV and smiles. He takes off his shoes and lays next to Stiles on the hospital bed. That's the one thing Stiles likes about hospitals, is that they're beds were big enough to fit two people. A person that they likes or cared about. For Stiles it was Scott.

It would always be Scott.

The two ended up watching cartoons until they both fell asleep, Stiles head on Scott's chest. Stiles was the first of the two to fall asleep. Scott didn't care that he was sleeping on him, he actually found it cute and adorable. Most people probably would care but he didnt, he found it comforting.

He puts his arm around Stiles and Stiles snuggles into his chest, causing Scott to blush and smile. Scott rests his head on Stiles and falls asleep listening to the steady pace of Stiles's heart beat.

Later that night the boys were still asleep Sheriff Stilinski walked into Stiles hospital room. Right when he walked into the room he saw the two boys cuddling, a smile appears on the sheriff's face. He was rooting for the two to get together.

Stiles began to stir in sleep so on instinct Scott pulled him closer to him and Stiles nuzzled himself into Scott, a smile on his face.

The sheriff let's out a small chuckle at the two boys in front of him. Melissa comes in and sees the two and she smiles. "Ah great just the person I wanted to talk to."

"They're going to release Stiles tomorrow morning. He's showing really good signs of improvement. He's healing at an extremely good rate. See for yourself."

The sheriff gets up from the chair and walks over to the side of the bed Stiles is on. Melissa helps him move Scott's arms away and he removes the bandage, see a small bullet hole that was slowly starting to heal.

"That looks like it's healing, like how Scott and Malia heal." Noah replies.

He puts it back on and Melissa puts Scott's arms back, the two parents look at each other in shock. How could Stiles heal faster than a human but not as fast as a supernatural being?

They needed Deaton and that's exactly who they called.

When Deaton got there he also smiled when he was walked into the room and saw the two. He takes a look at Stiles wound and when he pulls away his hand accidentally brushed up against Scott's hand causing him to growl a little, shaking his foot a little. Stiles turns and faces Scott gabbing his hand subconsciously.

Deaton already knew what was going on between the two of them when he first walked into the room. And then his theory was confirmed when Scott growled at him.

Stiles was Scott's mate.

"Well," Deaton starts. "I figured it out. Stiles here is Scott's mate. All werewolves have them. But since Scott's a true Alpha Stiles is going to heal a little faster than an average human."

The two didn't really know what to say. "Do you think they know?"

"I don't know, Scott might. But I don't think Stiles is aware. I will tell you this, be careful about the shooting situation. Don't let Scott, Stiles, or his shooter in the same room together, I don't know how far he will go to protect Stiles."

Deaton leaves and Melissa makes her rounds. Noah grabs the bag and pulls out a cheeseburger and curly fries. Stiles's​ eyes flutter open and he looks around the room. "Dad?"

He looks up and walks over to the bed. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good." He replies blinking away the bluriness. "Are those curly fries?"

"Stiles, we're not going over this." Noah starts but Stiles cuts him off saying, "Dad, that's not it. I want the curly fries. I'm hungry and no offense hospital food sucks."

He sits up and climbs off the bed, being careful not to wake up the sleeping alpha next to him. Noah hands his son the bag saying, "I had a feeling you'd say that."

Stiles grabs the bag and digs into the curly fries, devouring them almost instantly. He smiles at his son and then asks, "So you and Scott?"

Stiles face turns red as he says, "Uhhh, I don't know....That just kind of happened..."

"Do you want something to happen?" His father asks, taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

"Yeah...but...I just don't want to ruin our friendship." Stiles replies putting his last curly fry into​ his mouth.

"You​ never know Stiles, he could feel the same way."

"Yeah, I know dad. It's just complicated." Stiles says eating his burger.

After Stiles got done eating Scott got up and started freaking out when Stiles wasn't next to him. He looks around frantically and Stiles dad notices and says, "It's okay, they just took him to x-ray. They just want to see if they missed anything. He should be back in a little bit."

Scott let's out a sigh of relief before saying, "Okay, I'll be back I'm gonna run to McDonald's to get some food."

Noah nods as Scott slips on his shoes and then heads downstairs to his bike. He starts it up and puts on his helmet, then pulls out of the hospitals parking lot. He drives to McDonald's and gets a double cheeseburger, fries, and a medium vanilla shake. He manages to not spill the shake as he drives​ back to hospital.

When he gets back he heads upstairs to Stiles's room and sits down next to Noah. After eating his cheeseburger he takes his fries and dip than into the vanilla shake, trying to pass the time.

Seconds turned to minutes, then the minutes added up and turned into an hour.

Scott was getting​ very restless, they both were. Stiles still wasn't back yet.

"Why is this taking so long?" Noah asks, aloud, desperately wanting the answer.

But that wasn't the question Scott was wanting to know.

Where Is Stiles?

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