× Chapter Three ×

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After Stiles calms down Scott asks, "Stiles, what's going on?"

"Nothings​ going on. I'm fine." Stiles replies sitting on the edge of Scott's bed.

"Stiles, please. Just talk to me." Scott says, trying to get through to Stiles.

"There's nothing to talk about, Scott. I'm okay." Stiles says, lying. Desperately trying to believe his own lie.

He wasn't okay. With the constant nightmares, the beating, and the not eating was probably going to kill him. Not to mention the suicidal thoughts he had.

Stiles's hands started to shake. He tried to get them to stop but he couldn't. Scott kneels in front of Stiles and grabs his hands. "Stiles...please, just talk to me."

Scott's words almost soothed him as his hands soon stopped shaking. Taking a deep breath, Stile thinks, Should I tell him?

"If I tell him then they'll kill me. But Scott's an Alpha, he could protect me. He's done it before. But I shouldn't be relying on anyone to fight my battles. That's what got Allison killed."

Stiles gets up and says, "I'm sorry...I can't tell you. I-I'm sorry."

And with that he heads downstairs, tears streaming down his face. He grabs his bag and then walks out the door, leaving Melissa in a state of confusion and leaving Scott with mixed emotions.

After shutting the door Stiles walks over to his jeep and climbs in, tears still running down his face. He places his hands on the stearing wheel and grips it hard, his knuckles turning white.

He slams his fists on the wheel and let's out a frustrated cry. More tears stream down his face as he says, "Why do I keep messing up? I'm such a failure, I'm a disappointment. Maybe I should take Jay's advise."

He starts the jeep and drives out of Scott's drive way, heading back home to his house not knowing that a certain werewolf heard everything.

Anger boiled inside of Scott, his eyes glowing a bright red. He's heard about a kid named Jay beating kids up but he's never done anything because of he and everyone else were worrying about the Deadpool.

He was going to have a little talk with Jay and let's just say I don't think you're gonna like the outcome.


Monday rolled around and Scott and Stiles found themselves at school. Stiles was going through the motions, trying to make it to his first class without getting another beating.

Right when Scott walked into school he put his bookbag in his locker and went on a man hunt to find Jay. When he finally found Jay and his crew Jay was beating up a defenseless freshman.

Scott quickly grabbed Jay and slammed him up against the lockers next to them. Jay and his crew were about to fight back but when they saw who it was they shuddered in fear. Scott scared them. "If I ever find out that your still beating the crap out of Stiles, or anyone for that matter , your gonna wish to God you never stepped foot in this school!"

After saying this Scott let go of Jay and walked to class. Hoping that what he said would make a difference. Little did he know he just signed Stiles's​ death certificate....

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