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Ok, hi guys!
Sorry about the IMMENSE inactivity but I just haven't been able to find the time or motivation to really write... 😫😫😫(also I suck at writing)


This fic is about my first OC!

So yeah, he is an OC for a fandom though, specifically the Wild Kratts Fandom! (Yeah, yeah. You haters can say what you want but this is an amazing show!)

So, in order to get a few things out of the way, here's his basic backstory:
(Note: I may change some stuff here and there)

Claude von Käfig grew up as an only child and his parents weren't the richest people but they handled themselves better than average as a businessman and woman respectively. 

The problem? 

They were always too busy to spend time with Claude, so he grew up pretty isolated.

Then he went to school. 

He wasn't stupid, he was actually above average! 
But, for the first few years, he was the quiet boy in the corner, ignored by most and only speaking when asked.(This has led to him being bullied more than once for being the 'quiet kid' or 'nerd')

He didn't have a lot of friends (like one to three) and he didn't really think of them as close either.
Soon,this made him realise that being quiet was getting him no where, not with his parents or with his classmates.

So? He joined the drama club in hopes that it would help with his social skills. 

And it did.
It took a while, months, heck maybe even weeks! But he learned to mask his emotions and definitely became much more confident (on the surface anyway, inside he just wanted people to actually acknowledge him)
And this, well, got him the attention he had longed for.
He was the confident, funny guy that people liked! Even the bullies didn't bother him as much anymore! He wasn't the 'quiet kid' anymore!(Not on the outside anyway)

Now all that's left were his parents.

Now, Claude comes from a long line of business people (?) So of course he was expected to follow in his parents' footsteps.

So what better to catch their attention than to NOT do that?

So, since he'd gotten so good at drama, what better to be performer? And so he joined a small travelling circus as soon as he got out of school. 

His acting skills paid off immensely, he got along great with the other performers! He got the attention of the crowd and more importantly, his parents!
He was satisfied even if his parents didn't quite approve... After all, he got their attention!

But even, then, his feeling of satisfaction didn't last, the circus started getting less popular. 
The people wanted something new! 

And that was what he would give them.

Claude eventually quit the circus and started his own, but this time, no one would get tired of his shoes because they would have exotic animals in them! A different one every time! 

Now that was new...

Random fun fact: He's Demiromantic!

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