Just a drabble

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So, as time went on, they spent more time together.

They were like siblings!

They accepted each other for who they were!

Even though they weren't in the same school, whoever finished school earlier would go wait for the other.
Then they'd help each other with they're homework, they'd play and have fun.
Alisha's mom even taught them how to bake!

Claude craved these moments.

He would try to hang out with her as often as possible.

But sometimes he would wonder...

What if I'm too clingy?

The thing is...

Alisha had lots of other friends.

Claude only had her.

If she ever got tired of him she could...

No! Don't think that way!

He would often tell himself, but he couldn't stop thinking about it...

--------------Time skip---------------

It was a normal day, the two of them had just finished their homework. Summer break was coming and they were just relaxing in the treehouse that they built.

Heh. Kinda funny because this would have definitely NOT been normal a few months back...

"Hey Claude?"

"Yeah Ali?"

"I-I'm not going to be able to spend this Summer with you..."

"Wait what!? W-why!?"

Claude stood up in shock.

"Well, my family is going to go to Hawaii for the holidays..."

"Bu-but... We haven't even had our first Summer together yet..."

Both of them look down.

If she goes to Hawaii... Will she forget about me?

Alisha suddenly looks up and faces Claude.

"But we can still call each other! And it's not like I'm never coming back right?"

Claude slowly looked up and nodded

She was right! She was going to come back!


"You promise you won't forget me?"

Alisha stopped.

She put both hands on each of Claude's shoulders and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Claude von Käfig, you are my best friend. Why would I forget you?"

That was it.

That was what caused Claude to lunge out and hug her.

"You have friends everywhere. But you're the only friend I've got. I-I don't want to loose you..."

"Dummy... Why would I leave you?"

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