A new friend

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As it turns out, deciding to get to know Alisha was one of the best decisions Claude could have ever made in his life!

Sure, they were almost nothing alike; Alisha (she told him to call her Ali, Lisha or Al) was everything Claude wasn't!

She was confident and outgoing, he lacked self-esteem and was shy.
She was a social butterfly, he was socially awkward.

But somehow, they made it work.

They got along, even if Alisha had to give Claude a bit of a shove to get him going.

They got along.

And Claude liked it.

He liked it when they hung out.

He was upset when he found out that they weren't in the same school.

He was upset the day ended.

He wanted to play more.

He wanted to spend time with Lisha.

He wanted someone to talk to.

He wanted to be acknowledged.

Ok, so this chapter is shorter... Hope you still like it?

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