Chapter 1

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Xavier POV

8 hours

I sighed as the sound of my alarm clock went off. Notifying me it was time to get ready to get to the place of torture where I would be stuck for the next seven hours of my life. Slowly getting up not wanting to leave my warm soft bed I made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

Putting on a pair of black jeans with a Batman shirt. "time to get this day started I guess" rubbing my eyes in an attempt to stay awake.

6 hours

"Miss Week if you have no plans to stay awake during my class then please leave," the monster remarked looming over my desk looking at me. I wonder how this person is even allowed to be a teacher. "honestly what are we even going to do with this useless knowledge Mrs. Reedly"? Looking up to meet her Cat like eyes.

"This is important colleges skill so please try to act interested", she stated walking away continuing the Lesson while I went back to my sleeping state.

4 hours left

"Good afternoon V," said the perkiest person in the world my friend Leah I swear she more energetic than a puppy with ADHD.

"Where do you get V from if my names Xavier"?

"It's right in their middle of your name duh, " pointing to nothing as if my name was floating around in the sky.

"So miss gloomy got any plans for later" leaning her head to one side I swear to god I'm going to buy her a collar if she doesn't stop acting like a dog.

"Apparently my mom wants me to meet someone later tonight " looking down at my lap where I was messing around with one of my rubber bands.

"is your mom trying to set you up with someone again?"

"This would be the fourth time if so God can't she get the hint I do not want to be in a relationship right now" I yell looking up to meet Leah's eyes.

2 hours left

"Thank god schools over" closing my eyes to breath in the air that smelt like I have no idea I'm not poetic at all so it smelt like air what else would it smell like fresh linen?

I walked into the store to get some well-needed snacks and maybe some change to go play a game or two at the arcade. What I'm a weirdo sue me.

0 hours left

So I spent all little more time at the arcade then I wanted but hey I had to set the high score on street fighter I mean that important ok!

I opened the door to see my mom looking at me and behind her someone, I wouldn't want to see in a million year.


Was all I said before walking out of my house and down the street yeah there's no way she would even think I want to be under the same roof as the piece of soggy bread hell Nah I'm out.

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