chapter 3

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Walking to the car Zeke opened my door and bowing like a butler to his master. "Really" was all that I said getting in.

Hopping into the driver's seat looking into my eyes smirking.

"That might work on some girl in NYC but not me" looking down at my phone "so are going to explain why you were at my house or just keep your stalker status".

"I was dropping off papers from my mom so you know since Austin was at practice." after a brief moment he started talking again " who knew that this place wouldn't change one bit since I left even the people are the same.

"Oh god you've insulted me now I will be emotionally scarred for life" raising my arms dramatically" so are you going to start the car or stay parked in front of my house because right now I can literally see my mom peeking through the shades.

Chuckling he put the car in reverse and started down the driveway. "So where do you want to eat little thing". Did he just use my old nickname from when we were in elementary?

"You choose I'm not hungry"

"Well unlike in the city we don't have many choices so how about a good old 24-hour diner" putting on a pair of sunglasses " or we can do a fast food joint you know but I think-"

"When are you going to realize that I don't care" looking at his silhouette Man has changed since elementary "Also why are you wearing sunglasses in the dark in sorry but if it's for ascetic please take them off I want to live until my next birthday."

"Your really a sweet talker aren't ya well that what I love about you also were here". Putting the care in park we got out entering the diner and seating ourselves in a booth.

"Don't tell me you love me alright I'm not one of your girls from the city who fall for a guy because he's slightly hot". To be honest Zeke was pretty good looking tall with bright green eyes and pretty damn muscular even if he doesn't play sports.

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening I kept getting lost in your eyes little thing" again with that stupid smirk "So what would you like I bet a vanilla milkshake with a cherry on top" This sarcastic little piece of cheese.

"Actually I prefer chocolate with whip crème please".

"You've always got to prove me wrong little thing don't you" looking down at the menu.

"It's my hobby to prove you wrong" sarcasm dripping with every word.

"I would doubt it with you small thing you and me always had different views." If by different you mean you and I fought every day for almost four years straight then yeah we got different views, buddy.

Before I knew it we had already left the diner and were on the way back to my house." so when does your plane go back?"

Looking confused he did stopped in my driveway before saying "little thing I moved back home so there is no plane." I opened the door without a goodbye ran up the stairs and slammed the door closed.

He isn't going back why not!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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