» 02: Everybody loves the second day of school.

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Hey Shawm here, so C's chapter will usually be in third person but mine will be first person.


Location: Wayne Manon
Time: 5 AM
(Dick's P.O.V)

Waking up in the morning is always lovely, isn't it? Especially when you're being woken up by your jackass of a father who cares more about money than you...wait by my father!?

To say I shot up was an understatement. Looking up at my Dad was wired, but he gave me a soft smile that I knew meant trouble, I've not seen that smile mean anything good since I was six.

"Hey, Dickiebird. Have a good sleep?"

I scoffed and shuffled closer to the backboard, yeah this was happening.

"What do you want...Dad?"

The word was foreign in my mouth, I hadn't said it in ages, pros of not seeing your male gene donor in 9 months for more than two minutes. Why don't I spend time with my mom? She's dead, end of discussion. Now, moving on, let's get back to the story.

"Nothing just wanted to make sure you were okay," He stood up and walked to my bedroom door smiling and whistling a happy tune," Oh and your friend Artemis is transferring to Gotham Academy today."

As he left I let it sink in. Arty, my friend who quite frankly is one of the only people I'm allowed to be friends with apart from the rich jackasses in school...a devilish smirk settled onto my face, oh this was gonna be so fun.

(Time skip)

(3rd person)

Everybody thinks the first day of school is important for business and stuff but everybody messes around and nobody cares about what happens, it's only on the second day that anybody really puts any thought into what they're doing and starts to care.

Crowded is the only way to describe the scene as our protagonist's arrived at school, (who are they? You'll find out soon now let me continue.) now we have some groups in this school that are extremely cliché. For instance, we have the nerds, the popular's, the jocks, cheerleaders, emo's, rebels, goths, and of course the band geeks.

Now, one group we're going to focus on is a group that is a bit different, you'd normally consider them to be the popular group but they're a little different. Let me give you the rundown of this group.

Dick Wayne: The King, anything that happens in school he knows about it mainly because everybody either loves him or tolerates him enough not to get on his bad side. He's one of the classic popular kids that rose to fame.

Barbra Gordon: The Fallen Queen, she believes that she'll one day win over Dick Wayne but everybody knows it won't happen and she used to be the second in command. Another of the classic popular kids.

Conner Kent: The Prince/Knight he's a jock on a scholarship from Metropolis who managed to make Dick laugh with a lame joke his dad taught him so...that's how it started. He's not stuck up, just quite and doesn't talk much. The quite and Mysterious jock.

Megan M'orzz: The Princess, she's the girliest of the group, but is also the kindest and sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She's Cheer Captain and is originally from Californian but after an incident at home, her parent's sent her to live with her uncle John in Gotham. A preppy and happy cheerleader who is actually not fake.

Tim Drake: Dick's right-hand man, he may go to another school but everybody knows about him, he originally went to Gotham Academy but moved halfway through last year. Tim comes from a wealthy family that works alongside Dick's father. Tim would be considered a nerd, but he's more of a hipster, though if you want someone to talk computers with you'll never get him to shut up, he's the kind of hipster that always looks cool, is down to earth has good grades but doesn't fall asleep until 3 AM because of his work.

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