» 04: Oh yeah, because hospitals are the definition of 'I'm fine.'

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(Note: Italic writing is texting and bold writing is talking on the phone)

(Dick's P.O.V)

So...we alright to meet up next week?

I smiled at the text, I'd never get tired of hanging out with Roy and Wally. I don't have to put up this stupid asshole charade, I wouldn't be able to anyway, Roy would kill me. I quickly text back a sure, but it had to be at their place. The last time I had Roy and Wally over Dad came home from a meeting early and because he has this big, no visitors rule, Wally and Roy had to hide in my room. I'll never forget it, Roy hid under the bed and Wally hid in the closet and when it was safe to come out, Wally literally did a flip, he ran and tripped over himself, causing him to do said flip.

Sure, though don't forget it'll have to be at yours and Roy's place, Dad doesn't get back until the end of this month but I swear he's installed cameras in the manor...

You sure he'd do that? Wait, it's your dad, of course, he would.

Hey, Kid Mouth want to meet behind school today? I've got a surprise to show you.

Sorry, meeting Arty after school, can't make it.

Well Damn, hey maybe you should look up and to the left.

I put my phone down and pretended to look at the doorway that was behind Wally and smirked as he shot up and started talking really quickly when Artemis walked over to him and they started a conversation. Conner looked where I was, and even a small smile appeared on his normally stony face. Megan looked over as well and leaned over to whisper, obviously not wanting the approaching Barbra and Stephanie to hear:

"So, how do you know her Dick? I mean...well, I don't normally listen to gossip but Barbra and Stephanie were talking about the new girl all the way through Calculus. I don't mean to pry. Just, I want to hear from you and not from their warped stories..."

I let one of my fake smiles slip onto my face, I didn't dislike Megan, quite frankly I rather enjoyed her company, just she seemed too nice to really be friends with the gossipy and stuck up kids like us. But my smile was fake because if I was genuine at school people would start to take advantage of that and besides the closer, I appeared to Artemis the more people would try and dig.

"Her and I went to Kindergarten, Elementary and some of Middle School before she moved to another school, I've known her for as long as I've known Conner here."

I patted Conner on the shoulder and I could see him roll his eyes at me before muttering to Megan, loud enough for me to hear:

"I'm sure the two have the hots for each other."

"What was that Kent?"

I gave him a fake scary look and Conner laughed and I deflate. This was the most genuine I could get at school, it was so annoying. Megan looked like she was ready to burst out laughing:

"I don't get it though? Barbra said that you hugged and called each other nicknames and stuff, you personally threated to protect her...no offence but you never do that."

I ignored her and looked down, I protect my friends at school more than they think like for instance, Dad thinks I'm earning their trust to use in the gang. If he knew I was actually laughing and having fun, I wouldn't be able to walk for a while lets put it that way.

The others arrived and everybody started to get into some very invigorating conversations (not the sarcasm) I had finished eating and was flipping through my computer science book, ignoring Barbra's attempts at getting my attention when my phone rang. Looking at it I saw a picture of Jason, immediately stood up and without saying anything walked out of the Cafeteria and started to talk with my baby brother.

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