» 08: School life is hard

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(Dick's P.O.V)

I entered the school building extremely early today, I just needed to be alone for a little while. Heading to the roof I walked up to the railing and leant on it, wondering what would happen if I leant forward just a little bit further. It was a stupid thought, one I hadn't had in a while. Today always did this to me. Mom's anniversary. Five years now...

"Thought I'd find you up here." I drop my head down, I just want to be alone.

"What do you want Conner." My tone has a bite to it that I really wish wasn't there, and it pisses me off that Conner can just shrug it off. Why was I such a crappy human being that one of the people I was closest to just accept how horrible I was?

"I don't really know Richard. What do I want? I guess I want an explanation. I want to be able to understand you." I bristle slightly, I haven't been called Richard in years. Lifting my head I hear the large boy move next to me and glancing out of the corner of my eye I see him leaning on the railing next to me.

"What do you want an explanation too?"

"Why you don't trust me."

"I do."

"You don't." He turns his head towards me now and I know that he's searching my expression. Conner was my bodyguard, that's what he's supposed to be. That's his sole purpose for being around me. But he's not just that. He's my friend, I would do a lot for Conner, but I'm too afraid to tell him that.

"You don't trust me, and I'll tell you why. I know for a fact Jason was in the hospital this weekend, but you didn't let me know or let me take you, I had to be told by Artemis. I also know that you're hiding something from us all, I'm not going to ask what. It isn't my business. And I know one hundred percent that you're not only lying to us but to yourself."

I can feel a lump in my throat. I need to change the subject but nothing will come to me.

"I-I do trust you Con." How long has it been since I've used that childhood name? "Dad... Dad is getting to me okay? I can't afford to tell a lot of things these days."

We've yet to look each other in the eye yet. "He's inserting you more into the gang then?"

"Y-yeah." Why am I stuttering?

"Dick, you're crying."

Shocked, I bring a hand up to my face to prove that yes, I am crying. I lower my head again, I can't do this stupid charade.

"What's wrong." His large hand is placed on my shoulder and it reminds me of how much power he really has. All that muscle could damage a person but he's so kind and gentle all the time unless needed. What did Conner want to do with his life? Before he was forced to train to become this wall of muscle and brute force next to me?

"A lot of things Con. A lot of things. It's Mom's anniversary today you know."

"I remember. Your Mom was really nice you know. I'm jealous sometimes, Lois isn't really all that happy with me still."

"I'm sure she actually cares."

I hear him scoff. It's true, Lois Lane-Kent is a really nice woman. Who just so happens to hold a grudge against Conner because of how he was born from his Dad having an affair with another woman, and then said woman pawning him off on them.

"So we know why you don't trust me now," it's funny, how he has that little bit of humour in his tone as if he knows that he's cracking my mask apart. "Now, how can I understand the enigma that is Richard John Wayne-Prince?"

"Would you believe me if I said Ice Cream?"

"If you're buying then sure."

"Whatever Kent. What, do you want me to buy for your girlfriend as well?"

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