» 06: Hospitals and Reassuring

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(Dick's P.O.V)

I rushed through the hospital and to the front desk, what happened in the car and at school still in my mind, reaching the front desk I slammed both my hands on it in fists only to recoil my already injured hand as I saw the bandages start to go a little red from the wounds reopening. The lady at the desk looked up uninterested before her eyes popped wide open realizing who I was, "He's on the left two doors down, I think you're friend is catching up with you, Mr.Wayne."

I turned around and spotted Wally catching up, thanking the lady behind the desk before shouting the location to Wally and, again, running off catching the eye of a few random people in the corridors.

When I found Jason's room eventually, I slammed the door open, scaring the poor doctor in the room, only to notice that it was Doctor Thomas Morrow, Dad's friend and personal doctor. I ignored him, even as he left the room, and went up to my baby brothers side and took the sight of him in, beginning to tremble.

A black eye, brushing all over his face, one arm in a cast and the other wrapped up, he also had visible bandages on his stomach no wonder he was coughing so much on the phone...

"I'll kill the punk when I get my hands on him," I growled out but stopped when I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, glaring at the person until it proved to be Wally which caused me to deflate a little and turn back to Jason.

"How are you feeling baby bro?"

"Like shit."

I playfully scolded at him until Wally muttered 'Watch your language.' Just loud enough for us to hear, causing a smile to appear on both of our faces. Thank good Wally came along, I'm stupid at this type of thing, I just get so angry when I see my family hurt.

"Hey, where's Alfred?"

"On his way."

I mentally faced palmed and heard Wally joke, "Wow, Dickie so focused on one brother that you forgot about the old man, how shameful." I wanted to laugh but it didn't take an idiot to realize that Wally wasn't fully into the joke like normal. My attitude recently must have really been affecting him, it's my own fault really. Sighing, I lifted Wally's hand off of my shoulders and turned my head to look at him.

"Hey Wals," I was whispering but I didn't know why "think you could give me and Jay a bit of time alone? Could you maybe stay at the desk and make sure they don't try and kick Roy out?" Wally didn't question me, just solemnly let go of my hand and walked out of the room with a nod. I turned back to Jay to see his face slightly confused.

"Something happened between you and your-" I interrupted him halfway, "Nothing Jay, I've just been an asshole."

"More so than usual?"

"More so than usual."

Walking closer I sat on the bed next to him and rubbed my hand comfortingly on his bandaged arm, "They given you strong enough painkillers? I know you've got a high pain tolerance..."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Though I could tell he wasn't I let the subject drop and carefully wrap my baby brother in my arms. I wouldn't let Dad find out about this. I'd pay the hospital bill with my own money, and claim that Jason broke his arm while we were bike riding the bruises and other stuff should be gone by the time our father gets home so thankfully Jason shouldn't get in trouble.

"Not interrupting anything am I?"

I pull back slightly and see Wally and Roy in the doorway, I wave them in and release Jason fully scooting back so that my two close friends could see how bad my baby brother is at defending himself.

"Christ kid, did I teach you nothing?"

I smiled slightly at Roy, it was true Jason wasn't old enough yet to get mob training so Roy had started teaching him self-defence seeing as I was getting taught it as well, my brother chuckled slightly before stopping obviously in pain with his chest, I stood up, I needed to let Artemis know he was okay, getting up off of the bed I walked to the door and before going through it called out to Jason, "Arty says she hopes you get better by the way." Then I went through the door and pulled out my phone filling the 'totally not worried he's just your kid brother one of my closest friends' blonde haired girl.

"Yeah yeah, will do. And yeah he's fine by the way."

"Does he look like shit?"

"Yeah...what am I gonna do with him..."

"Just look after him, and try not to let your douche baggy attitude rub off on him."

"That's an act for school and you know it."

"Sure sure Dickie-bird, anyway get back to your brother okay?"

"Yeah sure, look after yourself as well Arty. Bye."

"Will do and Bye."

I pressed hang up after that and watched outside the door as Wally and Roy actually seemed happy around Jason, dear god what was I doing I was pushing my friends and family away with my attitude, facepalming at a sudden idea, I sighed and walked into the hospital room, the kiss from earlier at the front of my mind.


Said boy turned his head towards me and his face immediately showed shock as I gripped his arm and started dragging him out, "We'll be back in a bit okay Jay? Keep an eye on him Roy will you."

Without waiting I continued to drag my ginger compatriot down the halls of the hospital and into a currently unused hall, the science surrounding us.

"I know we touched on it briefly in the car, but I'm sorry okay. I'm an asshole, all the time nowadays and I'm sorry. I really am. But Dad's a dick and is more demanding than usual Barbara just won't leave me alone and this stress is getting to me, but that's no excuse for how I've been behaving and I can tell that you can't understand why you care about me or why you put up with me but-" In the middle of my hushed rant Wally cut me off be repeating the gesture he performed in the car before we came into the Hospital. He pulled me close and pressed a kiss against my lips, and when he pulled away pressed our foreheads close and whispered back to me in our illusion of a sanctuary;

"Shut up you idiot, I understand clearly why I care about you and yes sometimes I wonder how I got pulled in with someone like you and then I really think about it and realize that I care because of the Dick Wayne that I see in moments like this. The Dick Wayne who threatened Bart before isn't the same as the Dick Wayne that I have here right now: the one who's worried about his baby brother and pushing his ego and pride aside to apologize, that's the Dick Wayne that I care about."

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