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Hey guys so this time I got tagged by ungerator4life. This is a different kind of tag so he are the rules!
- the title must be LIT
-you can't refuse
-you must tag 15 people
-write 13 facts about yourself

1. I'm Guyanese

2. This is my second account on Wattpad my first one is natalie_pottorff  and it's a mess.

3. I will be going into grade eight in September.

4. My best childhood really hard to choose because I had a lot of good ones and a lot of cringe ones but I'd say the first time I ever stood up to my fourth grade bully.

5. If I could have a do-over in my life I would probably choose to be born in the 90's because all the good looking guys were born in the 90's.

6. I feel most proud of who I've become over the years as I haven't changed much and I'm still true to who I am.

7. If I could travel anywhere I would probably go to Guyana because I have a lot of family there that I haven't met and I'm not getting any younger.

8. If I could keep five possessions they would be my notebook where I write down ideas for fanfics, my phone, my iPad, my laptop and my funko pops.

9. The teacher that made the most impact on me so far was my grade two teacher who I still talk to.

10. I want my tombstone to say "died due to a fangirl attack"

11. The most defining moment in my life was when I popped my left knee cap and had to come to terms where I need others help and I couldn't be as independent as I wanted to be.

12. I spend my free time either writing, reading, playing baseball or hanging out with family.

13. If I one the lottery I would keep some of it for me and donate the rest to cancer research because cancer is I thing in my family.

With that out of the way the 15 people I tag are:














AquaKiss21  and


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