Chapter 6

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Annabeth's POV
Okay. I wasn't exactly telling Percy the truth...but I wasn't completely lying to him either!

I've known Percy for four years...but...Ive  had a crush on him for almost five years. I need to let it go.

This isn't healthy for me. Besides...Percy and I are just friends.

And I'm completely okay with that.
I am not completely okay with that! God I sound so girly and clingy.

Why did Thalia have to introduce me? I was perfectly fine hiding in the shadows and being bullied by Rachel.

Who am I kidding. I love having Percy back in my life.

I missed him. I missed his personality because there's no one like him.

I miss his ability to make me laugh. I missed seeing his messy jet black hair every morning.

And his sea green eyes I always get lost in. To clear my head I grabbed my jacket and walked up to the old bridge and leaned on the railing.

What am I going to do? I can't continue on like this.

Maybe if I just jump I'll save both of us the pain. Satisfied with my answer, getting ready to jump, I stepped closer to the edge.

Goodbye world that never wanted me. Just as I was about to jump someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

I turned around to come face to face with Piper.
"We need to talk."
"That's why you were going to jump? Annabeth? Having a crush is a good thing. It builds courage," Piper convinced. For some reason I believed her.
"Yeah...I guess you're right," I answered looking at my hands.
"You know...I have a crush on Jason," She confessed. I smiled.
"Tell me something I don't know, Piper," I responded,
"You mean you knew? Am I that obvious? Do you think Jason knows?!," She went on. I rolled my eyes.
"Piper, having a crush is a good thing. It builds up courage," I remarked smartly. She rolled her eyes.
"Do you think he knows?," She asked and began to pace.
"Piper calm down," I spoke and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Jason has no idea. Just like most boys he's oblivious," I reassured, Piper let out a longingly sigh.
"You really think so?," She asked.
"I really know so," I spoke and gave her a smile.
"Okay...enough about about me. What are you going to do about Percy," She asked.
"Nothing," I spoke and sat down. She cocked her eyebrow at me.
"Come on...the only way to get him to like you like that is to give him something to look at," Piper announced.
"I am something to look at," I said pretending to be offended. She rolled her eyes.
"You know what I mean. Go spend some time with him. And let me get you ready," She insisted. I struggled to come up with an excuse but sighed knowing I couldn't come up with one.

I sighed inwardly.
"Fine," I gave in.
A couple hours later Piper finished doing her little project on me. I walked over to Piper's full length mirror.

I gasped quietly.
"Is that really me?," I asked. Although the outfit was was just the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
"Of course its you. And you're gorgeous. Now go over there and demand Percy to hang out with you," Piper spoke. I smiled and hugged her.
Percy's POV
I got Annabeth's text and decided to meet her outside. What I saw completely shocked me.

She looked different. In a good way.

She turned around which gave me a better view of her outfit (which was is on the top) it was plain but she managed to pull it together.
"Hey...What's up?," I asked making my way towards her. She fidgeted with her fingers but looked up at me.
"There's a new water park want to go?," She asked. I smiled.
"Sure...why not?," I spoke and placed her hand in mine as we began the walk to the water park.

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