Who Is This?

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My breathing is heavy as my feet hit the leaves that litter the ground. I know if I look back he would be right on my tail. The feeling in my short legs is starting to go as I run for my life. My paws are raw from the lack of use.

I look back to see he was no longer behind me but I keep run forward till a large cement wall stops me. I can't get over it and under isn't an option either. Sitting to catch my breath and let my legs rest sounded like a good idea. I haven't run like this in a while and I feel out of shape.

A low growl erupted from my right as the large white wolf lunged at me. I was not fast enough as I felt a pair of jaws clamp down on my right hind leg. I let out a whelp as I pull away from him.

Somehow I got free and started to run but only being able to limp from my injury. My anger is quickly replaced with pain and something like anxiety. A boulder-like mass hit me from my side throwing me off my feet. The white wolf hovered over me as I struggled to my feet but he placed his body weight on me so I couldn't move, pinning me to the damp ground.

I stopped moving because my hurt leg was pinned uncomfortably and it pained me every time I move. He looks deep into my unnatural electric blue eyes as I look into his red almost black eyes. At that moment, I knew who he was and I was no longer looking into red Alpha eyes but instead into icy blue human eyes. Relief floods throw me along with a sense of safety.

"Shift." He stated. I disobeyed him and stayed in my wolf form knowing that we would both be naked if I shift too. "I said shift." He used his Alpha voice that I for some reason obeyed immediately. It threw me off as no alpha, even my own father, can give me a direct order and have any effect. 

As I shifted the pain in my leg escalated as I yelp in pain. "Happy now, Alpha?" I seethed through my teeth. A flash of anger hits me as I blame him for my pain but it's quickly masked by embarrassment. If I wasn't in so much pain, heat would race to my cheeks from your bodies press next to each other. The heat that emitted from his body is almost unbearable yet mine is craving it.

He got off of me and exams my leg, pressing his hand on the wound, high up on my thigh might I add. I let out a pain-ridden grunt at his actions. A loud ear-piercing shriek echoed in the forest around us, vampires. "I need to get you somewhere safe." With that, he lifted me up bridal style and took off running. 

I struggle with keeping consciousness with the amount of blood I'm losing. My vision is blurring occsionaly. Now, don't you dare call me a pussy. Alpha bites can kill a wolf sense we can't heal normally. The healing process for an average wolf bite is a max of a few hours but an Alpha bite can heal as slowly as humans do.

Within twenty minutes, we are inside a large mansion cabin. Through a hallway and into a room, I was placed on a freezing surface. My guess it's a table. It takes a minute for my head to wrap around what's going.

"Who is this?" The woman sounded panicked as she rushes over to me. Her hands instantly go to my leg as she drapes a thin blanket over the rest of my body. "That doesn't matter. What happened to her?" She pauses, "Alpha Rowan?"

"I-I bit her." His voice is filled with worry and regret. 

My head starts to spin as blackness came swiftly.

Groggy is the perfect word to describe what I am feeling right now, almost like an intense human hangover. My right leg aches and my body is stiff. I slowly open my eyes to see where I was. Maybe everything was a dream and I'm still in my bed back in Cali and mum is making breakfast as I speak. 

One eye... two eyes. Nope, not a dream, fuck. This room is huge with a balcony in front of the bed I lay in with a kitchenette to my left and a bathroom and closet to my right. There's not a lot of things in the room besides a couch and desk. Taking a better look at the couch, a figure... no scratch that... a shirtless, muscled figure lays lifelessly. 

The sudden urge of needing to pee washed over me. I sit up then swing my legs over the edge of the bed. A large white band-aid is wrapped around my thigh. Standing up, I wince as pressure is applied to my right leg but I am still able to limp over to the bathroom. I will not allow this wound to affect me.

After peeing, I wash my face and walk, more like limp, back into the room. The figure on the couch is now gone from lifelessness to moving in the kitchenette.

"I'm glad you are up but you shouldn't be on that leg for a few more hours." His deep voice is music to my ears and his scent is lovely.

"Thanks for the concern but I can take care of myself." I pause as I limp to the bar to sit down, trying not to show how much it hurts. "Where am I?"

"The Gates packhouse." He sets a plate of crapes on the bar in front of me. "I'm Luca Rowan." His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue, like the ocean. Much better than my murderess icy wolf eyes.

"Katatonia Gaskarth. But my pack calls me Kat." Offering a small smile.

"Speaking of your pack, where are they?" Luca gave me a questioning look, raising an eyebrow.

"My Alpha and brothers are here but everyone else is still in America," I say with a frown. It's noticeable how calm I feel around him but it makes sense. "Do you have a phone I can use?" He nods and pulls out a droid phone from his pocket. I dial my father's number and let it ring.

"Hello?" I let out a relieved sigh.

"Father? It's Kat." 

"For fuck sake, you have us worried!" He yells through the phone. "Where are you! Are you okay?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm okay and I'll be home soon," I say calmly. I use to disappear a lot after my mother's passing. Usually, I would go running until I fell asleep in the woods or a back ally of a human town.

"You better be back with the car too!" Oh shit, I forgot I took that. "Love you, see you soon Katatonia." With that, the line went dead. Why is he so bipolar? He knows I don't get in trouble with others, I'm a lone wolf most of the time and this shows his trust in me.

"How long have I been out?" I ask Luca, digging into these delicious crapes.

"Well, you passed out two evenings ago so a full day." I slap a hand to my forehead. Fuck me, leave it to my anger to get me into this.

"Can you take me to my car?" I mumble as I continue to stuff my face.

"I had someone go get it along with your bag." I look at him once finished, his jawline is absolutely stunning, and his eyes draw me in as his lips are perfect enough to kiss over and over again. "So, what are we going to do about being mates?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously. I forgot about that part, one more thing to stress over.

"We will talk about it later but if I don't get home soon I'll be a dead wolf." A warm smile spreads across my face at the thought of seeing Luca again. He carries me down the stairs to the car and sets me the passenger side seat so he can drive the car. To which I protested the whole time saying I can walk myself.

As the car pulls up in the driveway, I was expecting my father to be outside on the porch but only Jake sat on the porch swing. He walks up to the car as we got out. Luca holds me by my waist to steady me on my good leg. I think it was more of a protective manner than to actually hold me up.

"Who is he? What the hell are you wearing? What happened to your leg? And where the hell were you?" Jake mouth ran a marathon to say all his questions. I look down at what I was wearing, all I was wearing was an oversized shirt and from the scent, I had a pretty good guess it is Luca's. It went about halfway down my thigh, covering my ass. 

"I went for a run during school because this bitchy succubus was pissing me off." Jake just stared at me to continue. "I might've been stupid and ran from an Alpha. Long story short, I'm home." Good, got that over with so now I can go sleep some more. 

Jake's eyes widened as he faced Luca. "You bit her!" He yelled when he put the pieces together. Luca stands his ground with a straight Alpha face. "And why is he here?" Jake turned to me. Fuck, I was hoping to avoid this part.

"Because he's... my mate," I say the last part fast.

Jake put his hand to his forehead trying to take everything in. "Dad is in the living room on a phone call. Go around back so he doesn't see you two." He shakes his head then walks back into the house.

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